Friday, October 25, 2013

Feline Friday

Feline Friday #70

Happy Halloween Week Everybody !


Sylvia K said...

Ah, the perfect kitty for the weekend!! Happy Halloween to all of you!!

Anonymous said...

Grizelda & Chloe Jo want to know what is wrong with black cats...Hmmm??

Sandee said...

Too cute. The last cat I had was black. She was a beauty.

Have a purrfect Feline Friday and a Happy Halloween too. ☺

Mike Golch said...

nothing wrong with a dark knight!

stevebethere said...

A perfect cat for Halloween love the eyes :-)

Have a Halloweentastic weekend -)

Elephant's Child said...

When did you take a photo of Jazz? Gorgeous photo and that ghost SHOULD be scared. Very.

Vagabonde said...

A lovely cat for the season! We have two cats now, a golden cat called “Cody” and a Korat, grey, called “Mitsuko” but no black cats.

Kathe W. said...

keep that kitty inside!! Happy Halloween!

Cutella said...

Indeed, this is excellent caption for the Halloween!

MTWaggin said...

That is totally cool!!!!

Patricia said...

I love black cats but there are those that don't. If you have a black keep him in on Halloween so he doesn't get hurt by some creep.

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