Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday

This is where I began today ... I will let you guess what it is :)
The first step is always to "orangify".  I do that various ways ... in this case I painted the background and then posterized it to get some depth.
I finished this version by using filters, starting with water color, lighting effects and one more filter which escapes me at the moment. 
I then decided to start again with a different approach, so I used the Enhance color adjust to "orangify".
Added one of Bonnie's (Pixel Dust Photo Art) textures ...
Some color ...
And finished with the Fresco filter
I know there are so many more options I have ... different approaches, but I seem to be stuck with the ones I use most of the time.  One of these days I will start exploring again, but, in the meantime, this is it, folks ... MOM

Have  A Great Week :)


lorik said...

Andrea this must be my very favourite collection of your work! They just got better and better as I scrolled down.Hard to choose a favourite....maybe 2nd and 2nd last. The second last is cheery and positive....just what I need at the moment. And I really appreciated your perceptive comment on MoM. You really really do "read between the lines" and I think we must be very like minded in many ways. It is a pleasure to know you...and to look at and read about your art too:) It is such fun seeing how you have gone about things. Thanks for being such a special part of MoM:)

lorik said...

Oops...I forgot to tell you my guess... a fried egg on a plate??

Elephant's Child said...

Gorgeous. And I would guess an egg as well. Looking better than they usually do.

Jane said...

Wow it really changed as you added different colors or textures- I like the last one best! Is it a cup of coffee with cream and chocolate bits?

Edna B said...

My guess would have been something (food) on a small plate. My goodness, you certainly had fun with this one. Isn't it amazing how just simple filters can change things so? I like your editing here, and I have to agree that the last one is probably the best. Now I have to go make something for MOM too. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

And here I was thinking I needed to find something orange to photo today while out and about - but now I know I can just do something abstract...which actually seems a lot harder, I think I'll go look for something orange!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI These are wonderful works of art. I wish I could do this,perhaps one day. I have to be honest, I had not idea what the original was. I would agree not with Jane but look forward to finding out what you started with.

Bruno Laliberté said...

I like the second approach better.
And I know what you mean: I'm also set in my ways on how I edit my pictures.
As long as we enjoy ourselves,
why question it?!?
Have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

Very creative photography editing for Mandarin ~ thanks, carol ^_^

NatureFootstep said...

I like the patterns on the plate(?) And my favourite is your final one. :)

Jeanne said...

These are very fascinating! Isn't it fun to see the amazing things that you can do with photo editing. Could spend your entire day doing this! So fun

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