Thursday, October 31, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Pixel Dust Photo Art
Photo Art Friday ... alas again.  I so look forward to this, though I have to say I did struggle with this months prompt, Embrace.  There are so many ways to use the term embrace, but only a few that lend themselves to illustration ... or maybe my imagination is taking a break.  We are, after all, headed into the Holidays and that takes a toll on my brain.  But here goes ...
My first is an abstract.  I took a drawing of a male/female embrace from public domain and altered it ... depleted it and left myself with the lines that suggest the embrace.  Then I added at least three of Bonnie's textures and used the mask/brush technique to bring out the figures.   I can see it because I know it is there ... can you?
My second and last embrace was inspired by the birth of this child ... she is the first granddaughter of a dear friend and I was privileged to be able to see her very early in her life.  The picture depicts the span of life, from birth to old ... it is the first embrace to the last ...
So good to be back on Photo Art Friday ... now my mind must start mulling over  the new prompt for December.  Hope you all have a fun Halloween and a generous and thoughtful Thanksgiving.


Jeanne said...

I love your embrace life! Great work!

NatureFootstep said...

I so love your last image, the Embrace life. It is such a beautiful way of showing the life span. :)

Elephant's Child said...

Both embrace images are heart-warming and beautiful. Thank you.

Jeanne said...

What small turtle attacked a fluffy cat... it is up on my blogroll, but nothing comes up. You have my curiousity up Andrea

The Queen Jester said...

That is a very sweet image - I like it very much.

Anonymous said...

Oh... your artwork makes me shiver - they're both so beautiful. I utterly love the understated shapes of the first one, it's magnificent! And the second is one for pondering...

And thanks for your comment, that really touched me, too. In my case it's the cat who's leaving... he's been diagnosed with kidney failure since January, and while he's always enjoyed closeness, he's become increasingly 'huggy' since... like he knows we must make the most of whatever time we have left... so yes, they feel. Without a doubt.

Thank you!

Inspired By June said...

Beautifully done, Andrea! I especially like the second image, although your abstract is intriguing as well!

Edna B said...

Wow, Andrea, very nice indeed! I struggled with this one and finally decided to pass. I see your image in the first one, but I just love your second image. It tells a whole story. We'll be getting the rain and high winds today, so it's a good day for me to catch up on some sleep. Pogo and I wish you and Izzi a beautiful day. Hugs, Edna B.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

I just cannot agree that your imagination ever takes a break! :) These two images are just stellar, creative images depicting this month's theme, Andrea. At first, I thought the abstract image depicted a flower, but with your description I immediately saw the human forms and their embrace. Your work always inspires me!!!

Andrea Dawn said...

At first glance I saw a leaf, but quickly picked out the embrace aspect of your image. Love your process in creating it. And your second image truly speaks a thousand words. Blessed to have stopped by, Andrea.

Miriam said...

Oh so lovely, the first embrace, simply beautiful. Your first image is so intreating. I thought it was a leaf until I read your explanation then I liked it even more!

Ida said...

Great interpretations of the theme, Embrace. I liked your abstract piece very much and yes I could see the embrace of it just fine. Your 2nd piece is very moving and a sweet reminder of what life is all about.

ormbunke said...

Lovely and creativt. Ha de gott.

Pat said...

Lovely work.

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