Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday

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I decided I should probably show the originals with my pictures so you can at least see where I have come from.  These are pictures that I took in Ohio at the Fairgrounds Agility Trial. 
The first picture I focused on was a row of agility tunnels stored on the side with the ends turned down to keep them dry inside (it was raining all weekend).  As an extra treat you can see my friend and her dog Dash starting a course on the dog walk :)

cropping and posterizing creates this effect ...
I then went to the Filter Stylize - Extrude and finished it with the Smudge Stick filter.
I can't keep myself away from the Turkey Vulture pictures I took at the fairgrounds ... so that was my next selection.
I posterized the Turkey Vulture then used color on him.  I next put him through the Rough Pastels filter to get the overall effect.
Finally I combined it with my tunnel picture  allowing just enough color to seep through so the tunnels don't take over the picture. 
My last picture is out of the blue(or should I say orange).  It is actually a picture in the hotel where I stayed in Milwaukee (a future post).  This was a modern motif with very intersting light features.
This one was just play time.  I couldn't begin to remember what the process was, but I do remember it was fun.  The result ... I'm not sure, but I think I like it :)
Have a Great Week Everyone!


Rajesh said...

Wonderful set of images. You know how to play with the pictures.

sheila 77 said...

I like all three of these pictures and very much enjoyed reading your processes too, I must try some of these techniques. Of the three I think I like the final tunnels and then the last one - or maybe the other way round?

Elephant's Child said...

Your photo play is inspired. Thank you.

The Queen Jester said...

Each one was wonderful and so interesting. It's always fun to see what each creative mind will come up with.

Jane said...

Cool! Thanks for sharing your processes-I have not tried the extrude and smudge stick, but like the results you got. I also like combination with the turkey vulture. Fun!

Karen said...

Great photos, and fun edits!

Unknown said...

Love your photo edit of the agility tunnels! Have a wonderful week!

Stewart M said...

Too much processing for me! Although I do like the dog!

Sorry for slow reply - I been struck down with some hideous flu like virus!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne.

Edna B said...

I agree with Queenie. You have such a creative mind. It's always fun to see how you create new images. I think my favorites are the tunnel images, although I really like what you did with the hall light fixtures. I'm still at work, but going home in an hour and a half. Woo Hoo! I can't wait. I'm going to love having an extra day to stay at home. Now I think I'll get my post done before I go home. You have a great day. Hugs, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

You certainly have a lot going on here!!

lorik said...

Thanks for showing all the processes. They are all so varied subject and style this week. My favourite is actually the last one - I bet you would have guessed that too:)
Thanks for joining in on the fun at Mandarin Orange Monday:)

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