Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cat Thursday


Sylvia K said...

Always enjoy seeing your furry friend! Fun shot for the day, Andrea! Hope you both have a fun weekend!!

Sandee said...

This is a fabulous shot. Wow. Just wow.

Have a terrific Cat Thursday. ☺

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Awww sweet kitty - not scratching the sofa.

Heather G. said...

So cute. Love that scratcher!

The Queen Jester said...

What an artsy looking scratching post. The way you shot that it looks like a still life, but as we know....cats are never still.

Kate Campbell said...

That's a fantastic photo, with the flowers and the kitty. I love it.

Edna B said...

I have to agree that is quite the artsy scratching post. And your kitty is so obliging to pose on it for you. I used to have cats years ago, but they never posed for me. They were too busy tearing up the curtains. I'm still at work, so gotta go. Licks to Izzi from Pogo, and hugs from me, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

I cannot have a vase of flowers anywhere! It would be knocked over & rearranged in record time! That is an interesting scratching toy.

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