Friday, July 26, 2013

Feline Friday

Feline Friday #48

Groan ... Peoples are so Touchy, Feely


Jeanne said...

And this is never good unless it is on the kitty's time schedule! So cute

Sandee said...

And most kitties don't like it either. You are one good looking cat though.

Have a fabulous Feline Friday. ☺

Sylvia K said...

Ah, how true!! We are so touchy-feely!! Fun shot for the day! Hope you and your human have a happy touch-free weekend!!

stevebethere said...

Aww! that is a lovely photo although that cat does look like he has a devious look at that time LOL

Have a kittylicious weekend

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Cats liked stroked on their terms and time. Have a great weekend.

Jim said...

I think your cat is a boy. Then it would be okay for a girl cat to do that to him but not you (or whoever it is rubbing his neck).

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Cute - and so true.

Helena said...

lol......My ginger cat Simon ( now in Kitty Heaven † ) was up for cuddles anytime, but my other cat, Boaby, had the same 'don't you dare' look about him!

Unknown said...

My siters cat is like that, she wants lovin' onhe terms and that's how , lol! Have a wonderful and blessed weekend.
God bless,

Kathe W. said...

awww so darling! Enjoy your day!

Edna B said...

Poor kitty does not look very happy. I have always found that dogs are more cuddly than cats. I wonder why? Ah well, let's leave Kitty to enjoy the sunbathing. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Mike Golch said...

Yep some cats just want to be left alone.

Anonymous said...

You definitely have to time it right!

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