Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday

Once again I am captured by a chicken ... what is that?  I have no idea!  There is nothing in my history that should attract me to chickens, yet, here I am, orangifying another chicken.   I am certainly an animal lover and I did have a pet rooster as a child, but that was ##*!%#* years ago.  Well, whatever it is ... I hope each chicken has brought you pleasure ... :)

Happy MOM ...


Liz said...

Wonderful pics. Happy MOM.

Liz (yacb)

Edna B said...

I love your chickens! I like the first version of this one best. A weather vane, not a common sight anymore. A shame because they are really quite nice. My Audrey loves chickens too. She has always wanted to build a coop and pen, and fill it with chickens but hubby has managed to talk her out of it so far. Maybe someday. I'm off now to get busy here. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

Good to see you serving up some chicken ala orange - or is it chicken ala king?

lorik said...

Love your chickens too! I am having trouble deciding whether I like the second or third best - both so strong in contrast of tone and beautiful texture ....and of course colour! Thank you for your supportive comment on my blog. I did feel rather upset and found it a difficult situation. I really appreciate what you said. And , thank you, Andrea, as always, for joining in and sharing your work on Mandarin Orange Monday:)))

Jeanne said...

Lovely orange chickens! I have some chickens at my cabin ( wooden ones) which I was rearranging last weekend. Should have gotten a shot of them.

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