Saturday, November 3, 2012

Six Word Saturday

  Leaves, leaves everywhere ... Raking never ends!  :(


Sylvia K said...

Amen!! And the perfect six words for the day!! Have a good one anyway, Andrea!!

Linda said...

I love the colors of the fall trees...but not the raking when the leaves "fall" on the ground! UGH!

Happy Saturday


Anonymous said...

at least you use a rake and not a leaf blower!

Ron. said...

We don't have a "lawn" as such; live in a field. What we have is fieldgrass. Mowing is really more of a haying operation. Our only large trees are on the property's borders, serving as windbreaks. If we had leaves, we'd leave them, consider them to be good compost for next year's fieldgrass...

21 Wits said...

Better the leaves than you know that white stuff to you know! :)

retired not tired said...

Fortunately we are spared the raking and so far have been spared Snow.

Plant Seeds of Happiness said...

For us it is leaves but mostly pine needles ugh :(
Stopping by from SWS don't forget to rub out the shoulders with some Vicks vapor rub it will help with soreness tomorrow ;) just a little secret remedy from an 'ol timer I live by. ~Janice~

Becca said...

I think I am very lucky to have never raked in my life. It sounds awful!

Elephant's Child said...

Leaves, leaves, everywhere. Crunchy, crispy bliss.

Speaking as a non-raker of course. I love to scuff my feet through the piles of Autumnal leaves.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...