Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mandarin Orange Monday

I have but one lonely little orange picture this week.  It has been a busy weekend and the holiday week coming up is also packed with goodies ... so only time for one :)
This is me cooking a turkey :)
Hope you all have a Happy Family Thanksgiving!


Chris Twyman and Angela said...

It looks beautiful but i would not want to eat it

Andrea said...

Hi again Andrea, this is my first time to join this meme! I got two posts from each of my blogs, didn't know i had two oranges today. Your post is not funny, but I laughed! Maybe you are not only cooking turkey there but also some reptiles, insects and butterflies!

Edna B said...

Oh golly! You have me giggling here! I was trying to figure out if this was a heavily textured tree or a forest fire. Until I read the caption! Oh this is so funny. You and I cook alike!

Years ago, I could cook up a storm. Then everyone grew up and moved away, and hubby wasn't a fussy eater. I got away from a lot of cooking. When my brother moved in, he took over the cooking.

A while back I tried my hand at baking a birthday cake which of course turned out to a disaster. Tasty, but odd looking.

I absolutely love your orange offering. It was so unexpected and is still tickling my funny bone. I will have to post mine tomorrow as I forgot today.

You have a fabulous day, hugs, Edna B.

Sylvia K said...

You surely got my day/week started with a great laugh!! I'm afraid my story is like what Edna wrote! Cooked all the time when my four kids were growing up and was a pretty darn good cook at that. Then they grew up, I stopped cooking and now days I'd almost be afraid to eat anything I cooked from scratch!! Ah, but it keeps me from gaining weight!!! Have a wonderful week!

Liz said...


Mine are here and here.

lorik said...

What amazing textures...I wonder how you did it? It almost looks like marble or stone of some sort. And is it really a fire? I like the way the grass at the front makes a linear pattern in front too.
Good luck with your turkey cooking:))
And thank you for being part of Mandarin Orange Monday:)

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