Monday, November 12, 2012

Mandarin Orange Monday

Veteran's Day

This rite of remembrance is especially poignant at this time when so many of our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters are currently deployed overseas and in harm's way. Let us each remember now that every one of those Americans has
voluntarily undertaken those tasks to protect our country, and let us continue to remember when we welcome them home at the end of their service.
Tammy Duckworth

This artwork was featured in Julie's Coffee Shop.  The artist, Judith G. Ledvora, is from Round Lake, Illinois.  If you are interested in her art work contact me through your comments. 


Sylvia K said...

Such moving artwork it is!! Thanks for sharing and a great post for the day, Andrea!

HansHB said...

Nice post, great work!

Ken Schneider said...

Thank you for the images and touching tribute in honor of our service men and women.

Edna B said...

These images are heart wrenching. A lot of the men in my family have served in different branches of the armed forces. I have female friends who also were in the service. I am so thankful for each and every one of them. I wonder if the day will ever come when our babies will grow up without ever having to go to war.

Now I'm off to snuggle up with Pogo and get some winks. You have a wonderful night, hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

I love the tears in the eyes of the soldier in the last one you showed us. So should we all weep for the absence of peace in our time and in our world.

Joyful said...

Beautiful remembrance.

Linda Gibbons said...

These are so intimate and moving. What a touching and tender tribute to these brave soldiers!

lorik said...

Those images are so powerful..and so sad. They are beautifully painted too. Great collection.
Thank you Andrea for being part of Mandarin Orange Monday:)

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

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