Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cat Thrusday

This only looks like my cat (actual cat unknown),but I know that with my cat there would already be white meat hanging from his mouth :)

This is the day of the Turkey (though I am guessing most Turkey's would disagree) and we need to pause and be thankful for all that we are blessed with and thoughtful of those who are not so blessed.  Giving and sharing are ways of extending our appreciation to the less fortunate.  I hope you will all take the time (and I am guessing many of you have already) to donate to The Red Cross ... the needs of the victims of Sandy are still looming and we can be there for them even at a distance. I Hope all of you are blessed with a wonderful day ... a wonderful life that gives you reasons to be thankful.


Sylvia K said...

What a hoot!! Love the look on that fellas face!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Andrea, so many of us have so much to be thankful for today and every day!!

The Queen Jester said...

I LOVE the expression on the cat's face! You are lucky to have a cat that looks like that. I miss our cats but we are going a year without any pets while we find our way in our new life. I know when the time is right a cat or two will find us and claim us as their waitstaff.

lorik said...

Your picture made me smile:) My cat actually did get our turkey..or part of christmas! She sneaked into the kitchen. Thanks for your nice words on my blog and I hope you are having a lovely day today.

Edna B said...

Gosh, makes you NOT want to say "Here Kitty, Kitty"! This kitty could tear me to shreds! lol.

I did the turkeys proud. Lunch and dinner was corn chowder and lasagna. No turkey!

I've been enjoying watching all those crazy folks and their "Black Friday" shopping on TV. I did most of my shopping already online. Easy Peasy!

Now I'm off to do a bit of wrapping (at least that is the plan). You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Kate Campbell said...

This is so funny. Even though it's not Thanksgiving in Australia, we have a Foundation Day for our state and Australia Day in January. But we thought we would have some turkey anyway and had a lovely dinner with my son's friend visiting as well and we all had a good giggle and yes, Jigglypuff had some gravy.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

LOVE that image! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Andrea.

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