Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cat Thursday

A friend sent this to me in an e-mail.  LOL ... I once put a carrier out to get my big boy Chachi to go in it so I could take him to the Vet for his check up.  He was very accommodating and once he was in, I covered it with a towel and off we went.  Chachi is a big boy so it didn't surprise me that the carrier was heavy and difficult to carry ... but when we got in the examination room and I lifted the towel, there was Chachi and Diva.  We have had conversations about Diva before ... I quickly snapped a picture with my phone, but sadly the picture didn't transfer when I got my new phone so it is in my memory only.   Just another reason why we love our cats ... Joy and laughter!


Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

That is too precious...and they all look so content packed together in there!

PS Diva probably will not make the same mistake again now that she knows the destination of that case!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful cats and they can "pack" themselves into small places, can't they!! Fun shots for the day, Andrea!! Hope your week is going well -- and, yes, theirs, too!!!

The Queen Jester said...

What a surprise that must have been! My theory is that the weight of the cat doubles when confined in a small space. Not sure how they do it, but I always wanted to add wheels to my carrier when Baxter was alive.

Anonymous said...

That's priceless! Both the images and your story... I might have to join Cat Thursday, now... :)

lorik said...

What a funny story about your cats! And imagine Diva wanting to go to the VET too!
Great pics Andrea:)

Elephant's Child said...

My nephew's wife seent this to me, and I have been busily sending it to people with cats. It is so true. Except in our house when a trip to the vet is involved. I need to get the carriers out a day or so in advance because as soon as they see the carrier they velcro themselves to the carpet under the bed. When we get home again it is a whole new story. A carrier is just fine then.

Kate Campbell said...

This is a gorgeous story. I had to tell my hubby. I saw this lolcat picture this week as well and it made me giggle. They are funny little things. We had one cat when we were little that always hid in my sister's school bag.

Edna B said...

I agree about the weight doubling when the pet is in the carrier. Pogo doesn't weigh very much, but lugging the carrier on my shoulder does get pretty heavy. Of course, it might just be that I am not as strong as I once was. lol.

Have to get back to the Mrs. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

That is too funny! I bet if Diva knew where Chachi was going, she wouldn't have got in there.

I love that picture...I saw it on Facebook awhile back. So true!

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