Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vultures are a favorite of mine.  They are social birds amongst themselves and even in captivity.  Once they are habituated to their human handlers, they are friendly and playful.  They are, in their own way, beautiful birds.



Rain said...

We mostly see those vultures around the very heavily wooded areas near the big lake. They are so majestic when they fly! They intimidate me though! :)

Edna B said...

I agree with you about these beautiful birds. I got some great photos a few years ago in Florida. I haven't had any luck since then. Not only do they supply a needed service, but they are so regal and impressive looking. Especially when you see them up close.

We're enjoying some late summer weather here. Hopefully, you are too. Pogo sends lots of woofs and a big lick to Izzi. You have a great day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

Beautiful birds with an important job to do.

Taken For Granted said...

We have a large flock of turkey vultures in our town. They are beautiful in the air, but not so appealing up close. I assume they make a contribution by keeping our environment clean of animal carcasses.

Anu said...

Interesting bird. Thank you for sharing!

NatureFootstep said...

I have seen them. Ugly birds but still, I like them. There is something about them....

Stewart M said...

I remember seeing these in the US - I was a bit freaked out as they were circling over us! I thought they knew something I didn't! But all was well.

I have some time off at the end of this week - thankfully - time to decompress!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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