Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Scribble Picnic


Idea taken from Kelly Clarkson's song "Tie It Up"
(backgrounds from Public Domain)


Rain said...

Hi Andrea :) That's a great interpretation, very nice! :)

Latane Barton said...

well, that is just the cutest idea.

lissa said...

tie it up, tie the knot, perfect pairing. this is so sweet. I like the cans tied to the car. great take on the theme.

have a lovely day.

Christine said...

This is sooo sweet, all tied up in more ways than one now.

Elephant's Child said...

Always happy to picnic with you.

Wanda said...

Oh my, how clever....who would have ever thought of this. You have outdone yourself. I love it.....Tie It Up....yes. Very cute.

Unknown said...

Wow, what a great idea for the theme. I've never seen things tied to a car in person, only in movies. Around here they just paint on the windows.

Tammie Lee said...

Such a fun idea! I did not think of this at all. I guess there are endless possibilities.

Serena Lewis said...

Wonderful take on the theme, Andrea!

Michael said...

Very clever take, Andrea, How cute is that? I like the simple drawing he best for its sweetness. Great idea! Thank you.

I've posted my colour version now btw and will be changing out the themes either tonight or tomorrow, so stay tuned! :)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so sweet!!!! DakotasDen

Edna B said...

This is really quite good, Andrea. You could illustrate a book. Your egret photos are wonderful, and I love your kitty art. How is Izzi doing? Good, we hope. Pogo sends woofs and a lick for Izzi. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

PiaRom said...

Ohh fantastic how you take the drawing and make those fantastic artworks out of it!! The vintage look fits perfect to this nice lil drawing!! ♥ Conny

Mary said...

I can almost hear those tins clattering along the roadway. Do people still do that at weddings!

Faye said...

Love your just married sketch!

Trina said...

Nice piece, looks really good! I like the idea.

joeks said...

The young couple tied the knot, and someone tied cans to their car–perfect! More recently I've seen balloons tied to a car instead of cans.

Janis Cox said...

Great job. Tying the knot - ha ha.

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