Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Scribble Picnic


Wanda said...

Andrea ~ This is SO PERFECT for the theme. That hawk so scary, and that cute little unaware...Yikes...WATCH OUT!

The art work is lovely.

Janis Cox said...

Oh so lovely. We have hawks when we visit Arizona and they go after the rabbits - and sometimes small dogs. When Snowball, our maltipoo was a puppy we couldn't let her out of our sight.
You have shown the fierce-some look of a hawk.

Rain said...

Oh no!!! Look out little mouse!!! :)

Serena Lewis said...

Run, little mouse, RUN!!! Love your sketch, Andrea. :)

Tammie Lee said...

oh yes, so true! I see it happen from time to time.
such a cute mouse and serious hawk.

Unknown said...

I hope that cute little mouse can avoid being an entree.

Christine said...

Well done, I feel the fear!

Elephant's Child said...

I am always awed at your 'scribbles'.

Lorraine said...

That's a good warning for the little mouse. He might become a meal!

Michael said...

Andrea, I'm suprised not one has come over her yet to comment but here I am..finally! Yes, that mouse better watch out. Well drawn and super cute the mouse. Perfect. Thank you! Hope you had fun with this one.

Edna B said...

This is adorable. I love that little mouse! Your drawings are really getting good. Maybe one day you can put them all in a little book?

You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Latane Barton said...

That hawk is something to watch out for for sure. Poor little mouse. Hope he got away.

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