Thursday, December 31, 2015

NF DAM Digital Art Meme



NatureFootstep said...

I thought it was a Blackbird at first, But it is a vulture. I like the egg shape you created.

Happy New Year to you and your family :)

Elephant's Child said...

Happy New Year to you and yours.

SusuPetal said...

This is cool the perspective is interesting and those branches so beautiful. Happy new year!

Edna B said...

The vulture is quite regal looking who definitely demands respect. I don't ever see these birds around here.

We now have a new year which brings new "must do" projects. For starters, collect all tax information and put in order. Yuck yuck yuck! This is definitely my least favorite thing to do all year.

But then it's also time to start planning for our Florida vacation. This is the fun project. One thing, Pogo will miss his furniture while we are away. Sorry, It won't fit into our luggage.

Today, Joe and I will do the grocery shopping. Then I must attack the mounds of laundry waiting to be done. It's cold outside, so this is a good indoor job. That's about all the excitement around here.

Do you still have much snow? Izzi must be thrilled with the winter weather! Pogo is not a cold weather kind of guy. He's more into creature comforts. Suits me just fine.

Did you stay up to watch the ball drop and see the fireworks displays? We did, but drifted off to sleep shortly after. Let's hope this new year is a good one for all of us. Pogo sends woofs to Izzi. You have a great weekend. Hugs, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

How creative and fascinating.

Stewart M said...

Pretty clear what that bird is! I think I gave away a bit more than I intended with my self portrait, but only for people who know a little bit about me already! Hope all is well!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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