Thursday, October 31, 2013


Izzi's Halloweens ...

Looks at this ... I trusted her and this is whats she dids to me. 
And then she says, shows your profiles ... what's a profiles?  I don't has a profiles.
I throws my heads up in disgusts ... I can bears this no longers.
Oh, she says to tells you Happy's Halloweens ...
what's Halloweens?  Will somebodys please comes gets me out of heres!

Linked to: 
Me, Myself and I

Photo Art Friday

Pixel Dust Photo Art
Photo Art Friday ... alas again.  I so look forward to this, though I have to say I did struggle with this months prompt, Embrace.  There are so many ways to use the term embrace, but only a few that lend themselves to illustration ... or maybe my imagination is taking a break.  We are, after all, headed into the Holidays and that takes a toll on my brain.  But here goes ...
My first is an abstract.  I took a drawing of a male/female embrace from public domain and altered it ... depleted it and left myself with the lines that suggest the embrace.  Then I added at least three of Bonnie's textures and used the mask/brush technique to bring out the figures.   I can see it because I know it is there ... can you?
My second and last embrace was inspired by the birth of this child ... she is the first granddaughter of a dear friend and I was privileged to be able to see her very early in her life.  The picture depicts the span of life, from birth to old ... it is the first embrace to the last ...
So good to be back on Photo Art Friday ... now my mind must start mulling over  the new prompt for December.  Hope you all have a fun Halloween and a generous and thoughtful Thanksgiving.

Happy Halloween

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday #68

I had the privilege of attending, through the Northern Illinois Raptor Center, a Falconry Demonstration by the Falconer who flies his birds for  Medieval Times in the Chicago area.  Though this wonderful falcon is not in the wild, his hunting technique is  the same as a wild falcon  so we will be seeing something that people rarely see ... some close up reality. 

The falcon I am showing in these pictures is in training so he is being flown on a creance line ( a strong line that is very light weight) to make sure that he doesn't just fly away and to get him used to the routine of returning to the glove for his reward. (click on the pictures for the full effect). 
We start with a kite, flying high in the sky ...

Hanging from the kite string is a lure with meat attached to it ...

This young falcon is a hybrid ... a Peregrine falcon, Gyrfalcon mix ... he is slightly larger than the Peregrine falcon and his coloring is magnificent.
He is released and flies
He spots the lure
and attacks ...
he kills his prey
 and retrieves it ...

Bringing it to the ground ...

Here he is mantling over the prey to prevent any other potential predators from seeing it ...

He eats what is there ...

and returns to the glove for his reward ...

 Got Napkin ?  :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday

Well, one has to start somewhere and, no surprise, I started with yet another chicken ...
My first task was to orangify those parts that should be orange ...
Here I did a little work on the background to support the Orange Chicken ...
Then, as you might expect, I posterized it :)
Then, following in Lori's footsteps, I made various versions and layered them ...
Toned down the pinks and added some orange ... But it needed more orange for MOM
So I took it to Be Funky and "summerized" it ... Now that is Orange :)
I seemed to have lost some of the detail by all of my layers and adjustments.  I will play with it to see if I can recapture any of it.
Enough is Enough ... that's it for today's MOM .... Hope you have a good week and a
Fun and Safe Halloween ...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Feline Friday

Feline Friday #70

Happy Halloween Week Everybody !

Smile It's Friday

The Uncommon Dog

I is sittins downs to has a serious conversations with you Badger Boo ... Next weeks is Halloweens.  Now I knows, you lives in the UK so you don't has Halloweens ... but my friends here, they dos.  The kids in my neighborhood thinks Halloweens is great funs ... but they don't knows what it's likes to be a dogs or a cats.  We finds it very scary and this is whys ...

First ... Peoples keeps coming to the doors.  My jobs is to protects, so I gots to barks, but they don't goes away until my Moms gives them candys (hmmmm, have to gives that idea some thoughts).  That makes me very nervous.  But that's not the worst parts ...

Look at how they looks when they comes ... OMGs! (Hides face under paws) What's the matters with these peoples.  Don't they knows they is scarys? 

Well there are some pets that don't seems to minds Halloweens, but I isn't one of thems, so I wanted to shares this informations with you.  Tammy sents my Mom this poster to reads ... I really likes it and if you reads # 6 ... thats mees ... hides me in the closet or somethings ... Oh Dears, I am scareds already :(

This information was provided by Tammy Sexton at The Uncommon Dog ...
Reads and Heeds :)

Hopes you has a Happys and Safes Halloweens ...
but nots at my house !

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday # 67
The bird populations around here at this time of year are slim pickin's so I decided to just take some pictures of a cool fall morning on my lake. 
 Pay no attention to all of the droppings :(

Can you feel how cool it is?  It seems early ... we were in the 20's last night.  I'm just not ready for this ...
Hope wherever you are, you have a nice warm, comfortable WBW day ...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday

This is where I began today ... I will let you guess what it is :)
The first step is always to "orangify".  I do that various ways ... in this case I painted the background and then posterized it to get some depth.
I finished this version by using filters, starting with water color, lighting effects and one more filter which escapes me at the moment. 
I then decided to start again with a different approach, so I used the Enhance color adjust to "orangify".
Added one of Bonnie's (Pixel Dust Photo Art) textures ...
Some color ...
And finished with the Fresco filter
I know there are so many more options I have ... different approaches, but I seem to be stuck with the ones I use most of the time.  One of these days I will start exploring again, but, in the meantime, this is it, folks ... MOM

Have  A Great Week :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...