Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday #48
Link to Paying Ready Attention

My friend spotted the swans in the channel as we drove over the bridge.  I pulled over and got out, camera in hand.  Immediately "Dad" became alarmed and started patrolling ... moving swiftly toward his family.

Mom, too, became aware of me ...
and quickly moved between me and her babies ...
Soon they realized that I wasn't coming any closer, so it was back to eating ...
Dad joined in, but they kept the babies between them and they continued to posture just to make sure I knew that they still knew that I was there.
And, who says "Ugly Ducklings"?


HansHB said...

Lovely photos of the mute-swan!

Sylvia K said...

I do love your swans!! How beautiful they are and such precious little ones! Great shots for the day, Andrea!! Hope your week is going well!

FAB said...

Super shots of the young ones with their very protective parents.

Nette Cecilia said...

lovley photos of the baby swans ,nette

mick said...

A great series of photos. Swans are so very beautiful.

Deann said...

Thank you for your kind comments on The Whimsey Asylum...I love your swans Andrea...we have ducks and geese in our pond occasionally a pelican or heron but no swans they are gorgeous.
In answer to your question about challenges: I enter the challenges on other blogsites. If you scroll down my gadget column there is a list and links to all the challenge site I enter...they would be happy to have you join in.

Unknown said...

Beautiful sequence !! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

i stora drag said...

Love to see your Swans and their sweet babies! In my country Sweden they just have their babies too!
Greetings Pia

eileeninmd said...

What a lovely family. The babies swans are adorable. Great shots!

Edna B said...

Oh my, what a beautiful swan family. The babies are just darling. Great photos, Andrea. This is how I get some of my photos. By chance and lucky to have my camera with me. I'm looking forward to updates on your swan family. Have a wonderful night, hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

What a sweet image of the fuzzy ducklings. No wonder they are so protective, what a lovely family they have.

Brian King said...

Cool shots! I love the last one of the babies! Swans are certainly very protective and territorial.

Anonymous said...

So many cute shots of the family. Love the babies.

Karen said...

Awwwwwwwwww, those babies are so sweet! Excellent shots!

Elephant's Child said...

White swans seem so exotic to me. Our native swans are black - but the cygnets are just as cute. And no, not ugly at all.
You have me oohing and aahing again. Thank you.

Andrea Dawn said...

What a delightful adventure you had! The ducklings are just adorable.

Stewart M said...

I believe that the threat posture of the males is called busking - its a good show when it happens, even if it does increase the heart rate!

You comment about "what was mother nature drinking" made me laugh! She must have made oystercatchers a little while after making some of "herbal medicines" that are out there (if you see what I mean!)

Cheers - and thanks for linking to WBW - Stewart M

Unknown said...

Beautiful! The babies are adorable!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

The Swan and her Cygnets are lovely, nice share~

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I saw the Swan & babies and that you had your camera handy!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wonderful shots - it is so neat to see the babies.

Dave said...

This post is packed with Cuteness.... very image depicts this family so well, great post

Sandee said...

Swans are so pretty. I saw quite a few when I was in Indiana last year. Fascinating. Great shots.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Neil said...

Beautiful series.

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