Thursday, June 13, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday
It feels almost strange to be posting to PAF again.  I have been so looking forward to it that I started dabbling back when Bonnie first posted the "Dreamy, Ethereal" prompt.  As always my mind wanders and I am never sure I am on the right track, but I am not unhappy with my artwork, so I guess that is what matters.  So here we go again ...
Dreamy ... Ethereal 
David Garrett music is, to me, dreamy (not to mention that he is too when he plays his music) so that is the first place I went.
This one has a message, but it is best left to the beholder ...
A light hearted portrait (albeit an old one) of my Granddaughter in a dreamy state.
But alas, I must return to nature ... where my heart lies.
So glad to be back ... looking forward to seeing all of you :)  Happy PAF and welcome back, Bonnie ...


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Love the creativity in the first three, but the nature ones are truly captivating! I especially like the last two - just amazing.

I can see the subtle, dreamy use of the texture in the last image, Andrea. Gorgeous editing!

You can re-link at PAF, if you wish, so that your image will appear. I fixed the problem.

The Queen Jester said...

I adore the last image with his mystical foggy mood, but my absolute favorite is the first dragonfly photo. The greens and subtle reds are nice and the eye travels a bit through the weeds to find the tiny dragonfly. Very sweet image.

Jeanne said...

I have to agree with Bonnie that these last two are really the ones that caught my eye the most. That dragonfly and the quote really took my "head somewhere else" Lovely work andrea, and hope you are having a great week!

A Garden of Threads said...

These are stunning. Fantastic editing. Have a Blessed weekend.

MTWaggin said...

The nature ones are definitely my faves and they are amazing!!!!

abrianna said...

Beautiful. I really like that first one.

Fran said...

Beautiful images, especially the crane.

Elephant's Child said...

Your photos express your love of all things natural beautifully. So skilled, and so full of emotion. Thank you.

Annemor said...

The crane is lovely. Not that the result isn't but ..
Have a nice day.

jatta said...

You have done so fantastic pieces for pdpa´s dreamy challenge.
I likle everyone of them.

helena said...

wonderful set of images, I love the one with the hand and the misty reeds

Edna B said...

I like the nature ones the best, especially the first dragonfly one. I think that one would look wonderful framed and hanging on the wall.

I love how you captured flight in the last photo. Really beautiful. I'm at work and the Mrs is beginning to make some noise so I had better get busy here. You have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Currie Silver said...

utterly breathtaking, Andrea!! each and all. and thank you, too, for your generous encouragements on my blogs!! you made my morning start BEautimously!!

Ida said...

Wow you've done a great job with all of these. Your little granddaughter looks so charming as a fairy. Loved the piece Dragonfly shot (both versions) and my favorite was the Crane in flight. Dreamy indeed.

Kim Stevens said...

oh my goodness, I am loving that first one of the dragonfly, so dreamy indeed!

Pat said...

Beautiful work. The last piece is exquisite.

Miriam said...

Simply stunning, all of them, but the dragonfly has my heart.

Unknown said...

Superb work - all of them - my favourite is the one with the Crane :) - Thank you for sharing

My contribution is here:

Anonymous said...

Each is interesting in its own way, creative & dreamlike.

Anonymous said...

wow!!! these are amazing!

peggy gatto said...

Your art is gorgeous and yes, dreamy!!!

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