Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cat Thursday

Ahhhh Sweet Sun ... bathe my furbaby soul!


Unknown said...

I love it! !What a cutey! Reminds me of a beautiful, orange kitty that I had years ago! Enjoy your weekend, Andrea, -- both of you!!

Sandee said...

What a fabulous shot. Fabulous.

Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ☺

Edna B said...

Ahhhhh, Pogo says "move over so I can get some sun too!" lol. Great shot, Andrea. Kitty looks so comfy! Is that a book I see that maybe kitty was reading? lol. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

They will definitely find any and every patch of sunlight to "bathe" in :)

Unknown said...

Your baby is gorgeous!
Happy Cat Thursday!

Heather G. said...

Sucking the sunlight in! What a way to spend the day!

Elephant's Child said...

That warms the cockles of my heart. Thank you.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Another terrific shot! Majestic!

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