Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday

Mandarin Orange #45
The male Oriole is so orange that he makes the "Orange" in the picture look dull   ... so I decided to help the "Orange" out and it just made the Oriole more orange ... so there you go.  How orange is orange?   Hmmmm:)


Jidhu Jose said...


Fran said...

Great watercolor like treatment. Such a pretty bird.

Elephant's Child said...

Oooh. Very orange - and stunningly beautiful. Thank you.

Edna B said...

Oh Andrea, your oriole is just gorgeous. I've never seen one around here. I'll have to put out some orange pieces and see if I can draw any here.

Even in the rain, your little feathered friend came out to eat. I like the textures in the second version better than the third one. I guess because I like brighter colors.

I haven't seen these little feeders so I will check at the hardware store to see if they have any.

You have a fabulous day. Woofs to Izzi. Hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

The second one is my favorite. What filter are you using to get that wonderful pop art effect?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure you could improve on the natural orange of the Oriole! He is beautiful! They still come to our birdbath daily.

Deborah said...

fantastic ...
the original photo as well as the renderings!

Stewart M said...

What a great bird - I'l love to see one.

As far as I know the whales a Southern Right Whales - so called because they floated when they were killed, so they were the right whale. (or not as the case may be!)

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

NatureFootstep said...

your last piece of art looks better then the original. :) Much better!

lorik said...

Wow Andrea! You have done wonders with the bird. I love them - the second especially. It really is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday and thank you for your comments. My apologies for being so late in mine this week.

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