Friday, June 7, 2013

Feline Friday

Feline Friday # 41

The Mighty Rotunder ...


Jim said...

You'd better ge
t him on a diet fast, Andrea. Just sayin'. :)

Sandee said...

Bwahahahahahaha. Round is a shape indeed. Cute.

Have a terrific Feline Friday. ☺

Noodles said...

I think ROUND is sublime! I mean, look at me! I am round and nearly perfect.
Love Noodles
PeeEss, come by my blog and check out my contest. It's gonna be fun!

stevebethere said...

They look fitter than me LOL

Have a brilliant weekend ;-)

KayeDean said...

I am round. Round 'is' a great shape!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, these are great and just the giggles that I needed SO much today!! Have a lovely weekend, Andrea!

Patricia said...

And I thought teddy was a big boy!

Elephant's Child said...

I will have to remember this when our vet talks about 'fat pads'. Loud smiles - and thank you.

Kathe W. said...

oh my....a cat disguised as a meatloaf! Have a great day!

Edna B said...

My goodness, that is one "round" kitty!! I'm round too, so if kitty finds a good diet that works, let me know what it is. I could stand to be a bit less round. lol. Your kitty looks quite content and happy, and I agree that round is quite a nice shape.

Andrea, you have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

We've been without internet for a couple of days, so I'm catching up. Darn it! I missed feline Friday and now I have cats to fair! Oh well, next Friday I'll be ready.

Mike Golch said...

chubby cats are cute as well.

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