Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

WIld Bird Wednesday 34:

I never tire of Cardinal pictures.  They are so vivid and perky ... I love to watch them.  Usually they flit in and out of the feeder and off to a more secluded place to eat, but this morning he was more leisurely and I was there to capture it.  Enjoy ...


Karen said...

Lovely shots. I never tire of Cardinals either, they are such a bright spot on the winter landscape.

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely, Andrea! And I never tire of cardinal photos either.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful shots of the Cardinals.

Jannibele said...

What a red beauty! Great close up shots. First time I see this bird. We don`t have this vivid bird in Norway.

Marcia said...

It's the snow that sets off the cardinals so well. :) We have snow in our forecast tonight and tomorrow. First sizable snow all winter.

HansHB said...

Awesome colours!
Great post for the theme!

mick said...

Great photos. I would love to have one of those in my yard!

Anonymous said...

there's just something extra special seeing a male cardinal in snow!

Brian King said...

Beautiful photos! Love the falling snow! You're right, these are a nice compliment to my female photos!

Elephant's Child said...

Such a stunning bird. Thank you. He also looks to be a cheeky chappy (and I hope I am right).

Kris @ beyond the whiskers said...

You're right about their color. I don't get too see them too often (working inside all day). Thanks for sharing.

Faythe said...

cardinals are one of my favorite birds, esp in winter. but mine are scardey-cats when I get anywhere near my window & hard to catch with my camera (only way I can catch them, lol) I do have some featured this week, so seeing yours made me stop over. thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Stunning! When I see my red cardinal outside I know it's gonna be a great day!

Stewart M said...

"when one tires of cardinals, one is tired of life" - or something like that!

The Australian and American wood ducks are not closely related - some books call mine a Maned Duck to avoid using the same, but I have never known anybody in the "field" to call them that.

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: here is a pun: Broken pencils are just so pointless!

Mr Puddy said...

OMC !!!! What a Yummy Birdy !!!! OOPS ! Sorry, I mean beautiful Birdy : )...tee...heh
Thanks for visited me
Meow from

Mr Puddy

Bruno Laliberté said...

I love what you have in your backyard. For me, living in concrete, this is amazing. Good pics!!

Anonymous said...

They look even more striking with the snow falling. Very pretty.

Jeanne said...

These are just gorgeous shots of this cardinal in the snow. Also have been meaning to tell you I love your choice of music!

Wally Jones said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful Cardinal!
What a nice contrast with the snow.

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