Thursday, March 28, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Pixel Dust Photo Art
I live near Chicago and have seen a ton of Graffiti over the years. However, I am always driving when I see them and, as you know, it isn't a good idea to try to pull over in city traffic.  I did have a few pictures of graffiti on train cars ... I try passing my time, as I wait and wait for the train to pass, by snapping some shots of the cars that have graffiti on them.  This was the best of the bunch ...
As my choices were limited I decided to try to create some of my own.  Turns out it is not that easy and I struggled with it the same way I do with creating abstracts.  This is not my best post, but it will have to do as the time has come for PAF :)
I found a program on the net called "Graffiti Creator" so I plugged in my "From The Sol " and created.  The problem is once it is done, I was unable to save it to my computer so I took a picture of it and then used the magic extractor to pull it out.  The rest is just dabbling again. 
After I read Bonnie's remarks about using this as an opportunity to make a statement, I gave some thought to what I might want to address.  As I am blessed (as are most of my friends) to have a comfortable retirement, I often think of those who have suffered the loss of their retirement funds or maybe never had the opportunity to put money away for "The Golden Years".  This is a sad reality that many are facing in our country of wealth and I often ask myself why ... is there an answer to the question?  Is there a solution to the problem?   I think there are solutions, we just have to be willing to do the right things ...


Edna B said...

I like both your graffiti images, but I love the "Golden Years" the best. Amazing how we both chose to draw the golden years. You, the totally honest side of it, and me the image that we might like to see. I haven't played on a beach for at least forty years. Maybe one day during these golden years I'll get to do it.

You have a wonderful night, Hugs, Edna B.

Annemor said...

About all years are golden, and as one grows older, the more golden they get.
Best whishes.
Mormor Norway.

The Queen Jester said...

What an interesting concept...creating graffiti without any threat of getting arrested. You always find such interesting ways to be artistic.

Elephant's Child said...

Oh yes, I think there are solutions. I also think they would be unpopular since they involve taking from the rich to give to the poor. Hiss and spit.
I loved your graffiti, and was very moved by 'The Golden Years.' Thank you. Again.

Linda Gibbons said...

These are wonderful, Andrea. I do likre the colorful ones, but The Golden Years really touches my soul.

Anonymous said...

Very creative. I have a poem on Graffiti, but that is a different kind of art. It is important that art give messages, I believe.

Sherri B. said...

Lovely processing...and your train graffiti capture is wonderful, too!

Miriam said...

This is such a lovely and thought provoking post. I like your golden years very much.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with the comments! You did a great job! I went on Graffiti Creator, too, but opted to play around with Picasa and Pixlr. I like YOUR final pieces!

Currie Silver said...

you know, I think it is often the process that is so really wondrous with these prompts and themes, far more than the results.

your entire post has given me pause, yet in particular the Golden Years. and isn't it often like this... wondering what what is is and what isn't isn't...

anyway, I love this and I enJOY that you have made me think...

Ida said...

Great job with the challenge. I could not figure out how to experiment with adding Graffiti so I went with something much simpler.
The Train Graffiti is fascinating.
Your "Golden Years" piece is very thought provoking.

Jeanne said...

WOW! These are very creative!

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...