Friday, November 30, 2012

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

These Three little boys were born in the closet of our guest room to a feral mother who we had rescued and intended to have spayed ... too late :)

To say that they were photogenic would be an understatement ... and they were hams as well.  They would be the perfect subject for my first photo book ...

Soon after this picture was taken Latte (Mom) and Teddy Bear (smallest little boy) went to a new home ... and then there were two :)
Fonzi (named because he was the alpha)
Chachi (named because he is sweet and he is Fonzi's best bud ...)

So that is the story of my favorites ... not to mention that there are many more favorites that will probably never be seen ...
As to my "best" ... hopefully I haven't seen that yet, but these two are probably the among the best that I have done in photo art so far.
The hardest part of this prompt was in the choosing, the best part was that it forced me to go through and organize pictures in a way that makes them available for future use ... Thanks Bonnie, great idea.  Wishing you and all of the PAF followers a wonderful Holiday Season ...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cat Thursday

A friend sent this to me in an e-mail.  LOL ... I once put a carrier out to get my big boy Chachi to go in it so I could take him to the Vet for his check up.  He was very accommodating and once he was in, I covered it with a towel and off we went.  Chachi is a big boy so it didn't surprise me that the carrier was heavy and difficult to carry ... but when we got in the examination room and I lifted the towel, there was Chachi and Diva.  We have had conversations about Diva before ... I quickly snapped a picture with my phone, but sadly the picture didn't transfer when I got my new phone so it is in my memory only.   Just another reason why we love our cats ... Joy and laughter!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wild Bird Wednesday

Last fall when my friend and I went to Bong, we saw this handsome young male Kestrel.

As we watched him we realized that he had an unusual marking on the back of his head.  He has a white bullseye where it is usually a rufus color.

The usual coloring of a male Kestral so you can compare ...

Off he flew to an unsteady branch on top of a tree ...

After his brief balancing act he flew away ...

But then, across the road we saw a large hawk.  He was too far away and my zoom lens wasn't enough to be able to identify him.  But, when I got home, downloaded the pictures and digitally zoomed in on him, I was very surprised to see a male Northern Harrier.  He has the long wings and tail and the signature field mark of the white rump patch.  Whoo Hoo ... I know they are around, but in 10 years of hawk watching, I have only seen one other Northern Harrier.  Very exciting :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mandarin Orange Monday

I am late with My MOM picture ... life is on the fly with all of the holiday stuff that needs to be done.  But, I try to make time for myself too and that is why I am here tonight :)

A caption would be fitting for this one ... facial expressions always say a lot.  What do you see?

I went to lengths to clear out the cluttered background of this picture.  I used PSE selection tool them blacked out the background leaving the floor which is also orangish (hardwood floors) and a rug that seemed to fit in.  Then I used the lighting effects filter which should have been enough, but it seemed dull.  So off to Pic Monkey for a filter I can't remember the name of, then a two different textures and a frame.  Wish I could give you more details, but I didn't write anything down, duh!  Anyway, hope you enjoy :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Shadow Shot Sunday

This is the shadow of a man that made me go 15 miles an hour in a 45 mile an hour speed zone ... Road Rage :(    No, I didn't pass him nor did I honk ... It was grin and bear time :)             Have a great Sunday ...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday
I don't know why, but having the writing on the texture inspired me to use defining words with my pictures.  I am open to different interpretations ... what do you see? 
This is something that has weighed heavy on my mind since this last election.  We do need to resolve this ...
I cringe when I think that PAF will end until January after next week, though I understand because I need all the time I can get to prepare for the Holidays ... But ... :(

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cat Thrusday

This only looks like my cat (actual cat unknown),but I know that with my cat there would already be white meat hanging from his mouth :)

This is the day of the Turkey (though I am guessing most Turkey's would disagree) and we need to pause and be thankful for all that we are blessed with and thoughtful of those who are not so blessed.  Giving and sharing are ways of extending our appreciation to the less fortunate.  I hope you will all take the time (and I am guessing many of you have already) to donate to The Red Cross ... the needs of the victims of Sandy are still looming and we can be there for them even at a distance. I Hope all of you are blessed with a wonderful day ... a wonderful life that gives you reasons to be thankful.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

We ate at an African Restaurant last weekend and the food and people were so good it left me speechless ... or should I say Wordless :)

The Cook and Owner ... everything natural, everything from scratch ... Yummmmm!

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...