Tuesday, August 2, 2016

NF Trees and Bushes

A Tree in a Pot

A Blue Spruce I am guessing and a very pretty one at that ... but is his growth going to be stunted by the pot?  



eileeninmd said...

Hello, the blue spruce is beautiful. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

Forest Dream Weaver said...

A beautiful little tree - no doubt it's growth will be stunted but hopefully it will be transplanted.
Happy Tuesday!

NatureFootstep said...

a fine little tree. Would be enough for me for christmas :) I only have a small one for the table.

NatureFootstep said...

you asked about the color and reflection in the post in my main blog.

The clear area is because the tree casts both reflection and shadow. The shadow makes the water seem clear so the trees reflection is good. The green-yellow part is because the trees on the other side makes the water green and the sun gives it a yellow tint :) Undstandable?

Elephant's Child said...

It is gorgeous. And I hope escapes the pot.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes, it is but it is still lovely small that people can really see its beauty

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