Friday, November 20, 2015

Weekend Reflection

The Old and The Old ...



Sylvia K said...

Great reflections for the day, Andrea, as always!! I do love that clock!! I hope you have a lovely, fun weekend!! Enjoy!!

nicol2carm said...

Together they gave a wonderful picture and a delicate reflection!

Elephant's Child said...

Living in beautiful harmony too.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Must be VERY old then!!! Fabulous reflection. Have a lovely weekend

Edna B said...

They may be old but they are certainly beautiful. I have to agree about your fence too. It is a beauty! It's amazing how something can be right there in front of us and we don't really stop to notice it.

I enjoyed your video of Izzi playing in the snow. However, you keep the snow in your yard. I'm not sure when (if at all) I'll be ready for it here. Pogo's not so crazy about it either. Maybe if he had boots on he might have liked it better. Hmmm, I'll look some more to see if I can find some teeny tiny boots.

Today I'm going to see Jazzy perform as the Ghost of Christmas Present. I'm told from folks who went last night, that the play is excellent and that Jazzy was fabulous. I can't wait to go see it.

I've decided that for Thanksgiving dinner, I'll either have Chinese take out or I'll cook up a pot of spaghetti. Pogo will probably have a nice fat hamburger. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Now I think I'll feed Pogo his lunch a bit early because soon it will be time for me to start getting dressed. You and Izzi have a fantabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Jeanne said...

Perfect! I love this photo, it tells quite a story.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Andrea; Great reflection photo♪ I wish I can try these photos、Dear friend.

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

Sharon Wagner said...

I love antiques. My house is full of them. They all have a story too.

Ruth Kelly said...

Lovely reflection!

NatureFootstep said...

I would like to get my hands on that old clock. A nice piece of work :) Is it yours?

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