Wednesday, November 4, 2015

NF DAM Digital Art Meme

Strictly Abstract



Mersad said...

It's very interesting to gaze at these for a longer time :)

Mersad Donko Photography

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Andrea this is amazing! I am just in utter awe of how much there is to learn about digital art and what a beautiful example this is!

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said...

It may be 'strictly abstract', but somehow it also got something of the coming Holiday season. I quite like it.

Edna B said...

Andrea, this is beautiful. I wonder if you've ever thought of putting a book together with all your beautiful digital art? Hmmm, something to think about..

Today is just gorgeous so in a little while, Pogo and I are heading out to the park. Maybe we'll even pick up some tale out food to eat while we are there. This whole week has been just super.

My new calendars and cards came yesterday, and I am so very pleased with them. Vista print always does a great job. I wish they did books too. Hmmm, next time they ask me for a comment, I'll mention this.

Before we go out, I need to go online and order the baby carrier/car seat/stroller for the new GGbaby coming. I don't have room to store it for now, but Deanne says she will keep it at her house till it is needed. After that comes the fun shopping. Little outfits, didees, etc.

Pogo has been having a wonderful time all morning. He's been sitting in front of his door and barking at everything that moves. It doesn't take much to keep him happy. haha.

Well, It's time for me to get us ready for our outing. You and Izzi have a fantabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful work. My favorite is the first one with the beams reaching for the corners and the stars added. Beautful. :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

There is something magically mesmerising about these images. The first version, in particular, is stunning. It looks Christmasy.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful images.

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...