Friday, December 26, 2014

Weekend Reflection

Weekend Reflection

I loved this reflection because I really had to study it to be able to tell what was the reflection and what was the actual picture.  They seem to blend like it was intentional.
Are you as exhausted as I am?  I love Christmas, but when it is over,  the presents unwrapped and the delicious meal consumed, I suddenly realize, this was hard work!  And, I am exhausted ... But Content :). Hope your Christmas was wonderful ... or whatever celebrations you shared over the holiday season.



TexWisGirl said...

nice reflection. :)

James said...

What a cool photo! The picture and reflections blend together wonderfully!

Elephant's Child said...

Christmas is indeed hard work. Which is part of the reason that I have said for years that what I want for Christmas is Boxing Day (the day after). All the fuss is over, I can point hungry people to the fridge and I have new BOOKS to read.
Love your reflection. Clever. As usual.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea No I am not exhausted this year as I am with family and the grand children are big enough to help so I have less to do. this is an interesting reflection and it certainly does blend in very well. My daughter and I went to a Pantomime this afternoon and it was great. All hissing and booing from us. We were in the front row so were practically on the stage. I used to be in Pantomimes. Beautiful reflection. Happy Boxing Day.

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful reflection for the day!! So glad you had a great Christmas and wishing you a very Happy New Year!! Thank you, Andrea, for you kind emails, they are SO appreciated!!

Valerie said...

Well captured!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Sylvia ... I am a nurse and I do have some understanding of what you are going through. Please feel free to contact me any time if you just need someone who will listen.


Anonymous said...

perfect...a photo in the frame!

'Tsuki said...

I hope you will soon get better from all this fatigue from holliday preparation : it is consuming indeed... Terrific choice of reflection for the day, though.

Edna B said...

This is a great reflection, and I agree that it blends in nicely with the picture. I loved Christmas Day, but the day after was really super. Laid back and lazy all day!!! In just a few days, we'll be welcoming in a brand new year. Here's hoping that it a wonderful year for all of us. Hugs, Edna B.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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