Friday, December 26, 2014

An Aussi-spicious Life

I was relaxings on my new blankys (Thanks you verys much, Pogos) and my Moms, who is sittings curled up in her new greens Blankys says to mes "you can'ts be sittings around.  You has to writes your blogs post todays."  Really Moms ... then hows come you are sittings around in your new blankys from Ednas?

She saids to me "because I am tireds and I am takings a day of rest.  But you can tell Edna thank yous for my beautiful Green Blankys when you thank Pogo for your awesome reds blankys".  Well, folks, I is tireds too, but somehows I don't thinks she is givings me a choice here.  So I am goings to make it shorts and give a big BARK OUT to alls the peoples who gaves me treats and toys for Christmas.

Thanks you Ednas and Pogos for my Gingerbreads Chewy treats and most of all my snugly brights red blankys.  I loves it and I thinks it goes wells with my colorings, don't yous?  And, I has been instructeds to tell you, Ednas that my Moms loves her new blankys and she says you must be payings attentions to her blogs because you even knows that greens is her favorites color.

Thank you Auntie Cheryls for the new balls that I can plays with in the house and for those yummys treats.  My Moms said I should ask you wheres we can get more of those yummys treats because I reallys loves them and they are so crunchys ... I makes lots of noise when I eats thems and it makes my Moms laugh.

Then there's my Auntie Ds who gaves me a big bags of peanut butter doggies cookies.  She knows that I loves them, even thoughs my Moms is very stingy abouts handings them out.  She says they will makes me fats ... Ha!  You should sees all the junks my Moms eats and she doesn't worrys about gettings fat.  How comes, Moms?

My Neighbors Christinis and Toms gives me a funnys toy every years.  I loves playing with their toys, but my Moms always laughs at the toys Christinis and Toms gives me.  She has a strange sense of humors.

And last but not leasts ... I'm thankings my Moms and Dads (even though at the moments I am nots happys with my Moms).  They dids gets me two funs toys ... my favorites is a Mooseys that I cans shakes and shakes ... he is really cools.  And they lets me eats more treats on Christmas which I really likes.  My friends Moyas and Talons told mes that big fat mans with red Pajamas and a hairys face brings these things to mes ... but I saw with my own eyes, it was my Moms and Dads.  Sorry Moya and Talons ... don'ts want to burst your bubbles, but I is still going to bites any fats guys with red pjs and hairys faces that tries to comes into mys house. 

So I is going to wraps this ups by sayings one bigs
THANKS YOU  to my friends.  Ands, I hopes you all had as much funs as I dids on Christmas.


P. S.  I has missed my friend Badger Boos for awhiles.  He is very busys wardings off  or maybes learning to tolerates his new babys brother Boris.  Goods Lucks Badger Boos ... Hopes you mades it through Christmas okays :)


Elephant's Child said...

Poor, poor Izzi. She is sooooo mean to you. Sometimes.
You and she are beautiful though...

marsha said...

Merry Christmas Izzi....I got lots of new toys for Christmas from my mom and dad plus some treats from the schnauzer who lives next door. I was so excited that I tore apart one of the new toys in record time!!!!!
Though it was also my birthday on Christmas...I am now I always feel like I get ripped off and don't get a good birthday present too.....

Oh long as I get my walkies life is good!!!

Edna B said...

Well hello Izzi. Pogo and I are so glad that you and your Mom liked your new blankies. I wouldn't be so quick to bite that wonderful fat man in the red jammies because he seems to make sure you have lots of wonderful toys. Sometimes he drops them off with your parents and asks them to set them out on Christmas Eve. Santa Paws has so much to do on that very busy night and this helps him quite a lot.

I'm so glad to hear that you all had such a wonderful Christmas. Pogo and I certainly did too. Here
s hoping that the New Year is a fabulous year for all of us. A great big woof from Pogo, and a big hug from me. Hugs, Edna B.

Dawn Hart said...

**waves paw frantically** Hi Izzi it's Badger Boo here, l sure do love your new blankies, the colours really match you and your mummy. You shouldn't bite old Santa Paws you know, cos it was him that gave your mummy the presents to give to you, silly mummy getting caught out giving them too you though BOL

We had a pawsome Christmas, lots of walks in the cold sunshine, Boris is getting sooooo big now,he's bigger than me, hope he stops growing soon. We took him to a puppy agility class and he really loved it, so guess what he's going to be doing when he's old enough? Yep agility, can you believe it, how exciting is that.

Glad you had a pawsome Christmas xxxxx

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

So Goods to hears from you Badger Boos. I can'ts believes that Boris is biggers than yous ... oh my. Buts you will always has the uppers paws because you has experience. Tell Boris, I will helps him with some hints abouts agilities. It is a great place to makes new friends and the humans always has treats in their pockets ... and, this is the best parts, they are all suckers for the "looks" ... you know sitting and lookings at thems with the big brown eyes. Gets um every times. That's probablys whys I get puts on a diet several times a years, but it's worth its. Good lucks to Boris and lucky yous will gets some quiets time while he is trainings.

You are the seconds friends that has tolds me that Santa gives the toys to my Moms ... maybes I should listen. But hows am I goings to knows if it is the reals Santas who tries to comes into my house. It is my jobs to protects my families. Oh my, this is goings to be trickys. But, at least I has a years to figures it out. Thanks, Badger Boos ... I hopes I will sees you on your blogs again soon. Glads your Christmas was pawsome :) Woofs to you, Izzi

DeniseinVA said...

Such a wonderful post, and those lovely pictures had me smiling and narrative from Izzi so cute! Happy New Year to you all.

Ida said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas Izzi, the blankets are so cozy. Hope to visit with you all in 2015.
Happy New Year.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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