Wednesday, December 17, 2014

NF DAM ... Digital Art Meme

My Christmas card is usually a message regarding something I have done or that has been important in my life during the year.  It isn't strictly a Christmas Card.  It is the time of year that I  like to say hello to the friends and family that I don't see often.  I can add a little note inside when appropriate, but it is mostly my way of keeping friends up to date on my life and letting them know that they are forever on my mind and in my heart.

The inside of my card celebrates the Peace Glacier in Switzerland ... Peace on Earth is, on a certain level, what
Christianity is very much about in my life.  I am also celebrating a 50 year wedding anniversary so it all gets included in my card.
 Some of you are on my Christmas card list ... but those of you who are not, are getting your card from me today.  I wish you all a wonderful Holiday Season and I know you would all agree that Peace on Earth would be a wonderful thing. 

"May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!"
(author unknown)



Elephant's Child said...

Just beautiful.
And yes, Peace on Earth would be wonderful. Truly wonderful.

NatureFootstep said...

That is a wonderful way of doing it. Lovely for everyone. Have a great holiday.

I did not see your link. Did you forget? Thanks for the nice comments on mine.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea this is a lovely card. Thank you very much. I hope you liked the one I sent to you personally via email.

The Queen Jester said...

What a lovely card - we stopped sending them many years ago, but I figure I keep in touch with those I really want to include in my life via social media anyway. That being said, we wish you the best holiday season this year and a prosperous new year.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the wonderful Christmas card Andrea :)
I have a nice one for you too - but it moves ;)

Congratulations to your 50th anniversary, I wish you
both many good years to come. Big hug from me xxx
And I would love to have a piece of that cake please :D

Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas and a Happy
and Healthy New Year!
More hugs xoxoxoxox :))

Lmkazmierczak said...

Terrific card...thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays♪

Gemma Wiseman said...

Very beautiful images. So love the snowy peak framing the card colours.

Edna B said...

Your Christmas card is beautiful. I agree it would be so wonderful if man could achieve peace on this beautiful earth of ours.

Can you believe that Christmas is only a week away? Wow, where has all the time gone? I'm thinking that time goes faster as we get older so that we won't miss too much of it. Hmmm, well it made sense when I first thought of it. lol.

Pogo is curled up asleep beside me. He's been protesting against being served doggie food lately. I open it, put it on a plate for him, then throw it out. He's even getting picky about his hamburger. Some days he will only eat it if I make a run to Burger King for it. I'm not sure how, but I think I have spoiled him a bit too much. If that's possible.

Joe set up the birds' heated water bowl yesterday, but now it needs to be made more level. We didn't realize what a project it would be to set this thing up. Ah well, once it is all set the birds will love it.

The weatherman is forecasting lots of rain for our Christmas Eve. Gosh, I hope this doesn't make travel too difficult for Santa. He always stops in for a hot drink of cocoa on his way through our neighborhood.

Well, I've lots to do today before I go food shopping. I hope you and Izzi have a beautiful day. Hugs, Edna B.

marsha said...

Interesting collage style!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family and Stewie says Merry Christmas to Izzi

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful card, Merry Christmas to you and Happy Anniversary!!

Prairie Jill said...

Happy Holidays to you, too.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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