Sunday, December 7, 2014

Mandarin Orange Monday

The Labyrinth of Overwelmed
I do this to myself every year.  I procrastinate until Christmas is almost upon us and then suddenly I realize how much there is to do in order to be ready.  So if any of you have noticed(or even care), I have been remiss about writing comments.  I throw up my post and usually comment to the sponsor of the meme and then run off to do one of the many things I need to get done.  I will be back  soon, I hope, but in the meantime I love you all, I love your work and even if I don't comment, it doesn't mean I haven't been there to drool over you art.  Message to myself ... Get With It!

Happy MOM Everyone !



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Are you running round in circles!!!!! Bit like myself!

Elephant's Child said...

Happy MOM.
And you are sooooo not alone in the land of overwhelm.

Edna B said...

Oh my, I understand this one very much! There are things that I put off so long that I am very overwhelmed trying to get them done. Like my health insurance, I waited until the very last minute. And take dust bunnies, I've learned how to get along and share space with them. Until they get greedy and use up too much of my space, then I really have to get out the vacuum and clear out a few of them.

I love your little penguin from a couple of posts back. He is so cheerful looking. This afternoon, I'm going to get our little tree up and decorated. I've been putting it off all week. Some days I just don't want to do much of anything. Other days, I run around like a speed demon with a motorized walker.

I looked up our little red squirrel on Google and I guess it is a full grown one. Actually, I've never seen red ones any bigger. There are bigger ones, but they don't live around here. When I visited Wisconsin, I saw black squirrels that were about the same size as our gray ones. We don't have any of the black ones around here either.

Well, if I don't get busy here soon, I'll never get that tree up. You and Izzi have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

Very timely image for the season. I've been skipping a lot of the blogs because I'm just too busy playing around to get to the computer. I never knew that would even be possible. Today we are taking a day off because there is football all day for him and my muscles are begging for a reprieve.

abrianna said...

This is a great art shot-very fitting for how you feel.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Hah! the merry-go-round vision in this♪

lorik said...

Andrea thank you for all the thoughtful comments you have made all this time. I am sure we all understand if you miss a few. Actually I am very late with mine too..still trying to catch up on GM...not to mention MoM!
As for your art...this must be one of my favourites EVER of your work. I love the swirling movement., the composition the colour contrast, the texture and the complicated layering of shapes. thank you again:))

NatureFootstep said...

as long as you don´t forget your art ...... This is a great piece. Love the geometry and colors and the gifts :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...