Monday, December 29, 2014

NatureFootstep ...Catching Light

Each New Year is a gift because at my age, there are no guarantees ... wishing you all a year of fun, relaxation and accomplishment, be it great or be it small ... Enjoy!. 

 Welcome to 2015!


Sylvia K said...

Beautiful!! And wise!! Thanks for reminding all of us that life is indeed a gift! Have a wonderful week, Andrea!!

Judy said...

i can't agree with you more!!! but that owl is kinda creepy, with his glowing eyes!!

Ileana said...

Nice picture! Wish you a Happy New Year!

Elephant's Child said...

There are never any guarantees, but I am grateful for each and every day.
Happy New Year Andrea - love and laughter filled.

Edna B said...

I always say that each morning I wake up is a gift. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. I am so grateful that I am still here and able to enjoy great grandchildren. With a little luck I'll get to see my great greats too. My goodness, wouldn't that be nice! I'm also very grateful that He sent Pogo to me. This furry little kid has given me so much joy. It's fun to get up in the morning (and even in the middle of the night).

Just two more days and nights and we can kiss this year goodbye and welcome in the New Year. I hope it's a great year for all of us.

You're not going to believe this, but tonight Pogo is being persnickety. I cooked him a tasty steak for supper, and he turned his nose up at it. Imagine!! I covered it up and put it in the fridge. He can have it tomorrow. Life is never dull with this little fellow.

Well, I think now I'll curl up in my lounge chair and crochet for a while. You have a great night, hugs, Edna B.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

There are no guarantees at any age however we should always be grateful for every second we have and enjoy life to the full. The Owl is a bit spooky. Happy New Year. To you and may 2015 be a good year for You.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Hi Andrea wise words indeed! Those of us who recognise how precious life is, live life the full and get the most out of our time here on earth. Here endeth my deep and meaningful comment for the day!!!
I have enjoyed your company in 2014 and look forward to many more blogs between us in 2015.
Happy New Year.
Wren x

Ida said...

No matter one's age there is never a guarantee that any of us will see another New Year. - It's been a joy being a part of yours this past year by visiting your blog. Looking forward to seeing how 2015 pans out. Happy New Year.

NatureFootstep said...

Andrea, you almost make me blush :) Thanks for the nice comment.

I would not mind haveing that owl with shining eyes :)

Happy New Year for you and your loved ones. And....our love for art will keep us growing old in a very slow pace :)

D.Nambiar said...

Happy New year, Andrea.
May this year bring you a whole lot of photo opportunities and some great trips. Happy 2015!

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