Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Nature Footstep Abstract

A wood carving over the bar in a restaurant I frequent was my starting point this week ... and then it just evolves :)


Lmkazmierczak said...

Nice series...I like them all♪

CJ said...

Although I like all 6 versions for various reasons, my favorites are numbers 1, 2, and 5.

I love playing around with editing software, so much that I get mesmerized by the creative process. The possibilities are endless. My husband (who cooks dinner every night) sometimes has to drag me from the computer. I don't hear him calling me nor do I smell the yummy odors from his cooking, even though I'm in the next room.

I had internet server problems all last weekend, and now, three times on two blogs, I've left comments and received an error message saying to try again. If you find more than one comment from me, please delete either one of them.

Edna B said...

My goodness, I never would have guessed the origin of this image. It's wonderful. I especially like the third and fourth versions. The last two versions almost look like a portrait of a person with a beard and long hair. Hmmmmm. You must be getting so excited as the time gets closer to leaving for Switzerland. I've flown over seas several times, and it wasn't bad at all. I had books and word puzzles to keep me occupied. It's a long flight, but once you get there, oh my. Everything is just wonderful. Be sure to have an extra memory card and battery for your camera.

Wishing you a fabulous trip, and a wonderful day today. Hugs, Edna B.

Annemor said...

WOW. I like them all and the third and fourth made me think of a dancing lady with multicolored hair.
The giant wave on the fifth must be the sea at sunset.
All the best.

Elephant's Child said...

I am always fascinated (and awed) when you display your evolutionary processes.

sunshine said...

Great idea and a fascinating result.

NatureFootstep said...

I see a long haired profile in the last one. :) Turned from a piece of a bar to a profile. Interesting!:)

Ritva said...

wow, wild one, you are!. Looks very abstract, and very good. imanagition at work!

Ritva said...

wow, a wild one! You have gone absolutely abstractly wild! Looks good

Prairie Jill said...

Cool! I love seeing the sequence of edits. And they all look great!

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...