Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mandarin Orange Monday

Mandarin Orange Monday

I am starting today with a rack of scrapbook papers in the a store that just closed (sad, sad!).  Of course, it has been orangified :)

 From here on, it is just playing ... 

You realize, I could go back up to my first picture and do a completely different set of abstracts ... the opportunities are endless and I love to play.  My friend will comment that I had fun with this ... and she would be right.

And now for a different kind of fun.  For the next two weeks my friend and I will be in Switzerland.  This will be my last post until I return unless I can figure out how to post from my phone in Switzerland.  If you follow me on Facebook I am going to try to post pictures there ... otherwise, I will see you in two weeks with, hopefully, a new batch of pictures to work from.  Stay well  ... and have a wonderful MOM!


Friday, August 22, 2014

Weekend Reflection

Chrome is always a good place to look for a reflection ... this time driving down the expressway behind a Jeep ... and yes, it was a beautiful blue sky and white fluffy clouds day :)

Feline Art Friday

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Nature's Footstep Abstract

Cala Lily seed pod ...

Man (Native American) and Nature as one ...

Ecological Alarm ...

I know, this is an art meme, but it is as good a place as any to make a point ... right?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Our World Tuesday

Color on the Lake ...

It's not every day that our lake is this colorful, but when it is, I am, for sure, out there with my camera.  There are always boats and jet skies flying around in the water, but on this day the wind was right and the sail boats and flying parachutes were out.  Oh to be young again (just for a moment, however ... I'm liking my third or forth childhood too much  :)  .

NF Inspiring Photography ... Catching The Light

Super Moon late on a cloudy night ...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Geometric Friday

This is a first ... Lori at MOM has started a new meme and I am really excited about it.  I haven't explored  geometric art much, so this is a whole new world for me.  Thanks Lori ... here goes :)

This is a very soft geometric take (from my archives) which will be my starting point.  When I have more time, I hope to get into this art form in a much bigger way  :)

 Glad to be there on another first day of a Lorik Art Meme ...

Mandarin Orange Monday

Mandarin Orange Monday

I have always loved Thai food.  My Bil and Sil* lived in Thailand for five years close to 20 years ago and we often went in search of a good Thai Restaurant when they came to visit.  But , now I have a new reason to love Thai ... My daughter-in-law to be is from there and she will be introducing all kinds of new culture into our lives.  So, I decided to get a head start ... my friend and I went to a Thai restaurant for some good Thai food.  This is Thai ice tea ... it is very strong, but when you mix in the whip cream, it is delicious and Orange :)

So we had a nice conversation over our Thai Ice Tea and then a wonderful meal with enough left over to feed ourselves for two more meals ... Yummm.  If you haven't tried Thai food, you should, especially if you aren't afraid of a little spicy. Here's to a spiced up MOM !

*Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Good Fences

Another white picket fence ... and look at the house, the yard and the light ... Oh my!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

NF DAM Digital Art Meme


In keeping with the theme "flowers", this picture started out as a Canna in bloom.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

I see this handsome fella almost every morning when I go out to play Frisbee with Izzi ...

This morning I decided the Frisbees can wait and I came out with my camera ... and sure enough he was there ....

contemplating his morning :)
Happy WBW Everyone!

Monday, August 11, 2014

NF Inspiring Photography ... Catching the Light

The sky was overcast, but the sun was bright enough to cast light on the lake ... looking from the top of the hill.

Hope your week brings you joy and laughter ...


Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...