Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Last week we had lots of snow ...
I love snow almost as much as I love my Frisbees ...
Some times my Frisbees get lost in the snow ...
and, usually, I can find them ...
But, sadly, somewhere in this big yard lies one of my beloved Frisbees ... we
 probably won't see it again until it thaws ... sigh!
But I still love the snow ... :)
How about you guys ... do you love playing in the snow?


Sheltie Times said...

We love the snow and sadly have had a few toys eaten by the massive snow cookies. Thankfully we have been eating away at the now cookies and find they are quite tasty.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! FUN in the SNOW. ENJOY!!! Happy WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Emily @ Adventures of a Dog Mom said...

Believe it or not we don't have any snow here right now, crazy Kansas weather. But, when we do Boomer and Dottie love to go out and play in it.

I hope you find that Frisbee soon!

Unknown said...

I love playing in the snow too! It just all melted though! Love Dolly

Sage said...

Frisbee fun!!

We don't have much snow where I live, but when I do get up to the mountain, watch out!

Dawn said...

Playing in the snow is fun! I love your coat, Izzy. You and my dog Pierson have similar coat colorings. The more Aussies I see, the more convinced I am that Pierson is at least half Aussie.

Taryn said...

Having corgis, about 6 inches is best and then they really like it. When it gets a foot deep, they can't walk anywhere that isn't already trampled down.

When we had our HUGE snow back in 2009, we dug a big maze and then hid food in the middle. They had a blast trying to get to it first. Jimmy would try to cheat by cutting across the snow, and end up stuck!

Jessica @ YouDidWhatWithYourWeiner said...

That snow looks really deep! We didn't get any snow at our house this year. When we do, it is a special occasion because we live in Seattle. We often drive to the mountains to visit snow though.

Unknown said...

I never get snow so I do not know if I would love playing in it or not. *sighs* It looks like everyone else enjoys it, especially you!
*high paws*

Coralee and Finn said...

Funny how dogs love snow so much! Finn HATES rain and being wet, but he LOVES snow! Hmmmm... sounds a bit like my kids...

Saun said...

Yes we love playing I the snow too. But I really love sitting in the sun.

Tickle Berry

Anonymous said...

I think Izzi would play frisbee anywhere, anytime!

Edna B said...

Wow, I had lots of catching up to do here. Your Lady Hawk is gorgeous! I loved the photos you took of her. As for your zendangle (I think that's it), I just love this one. Especially Phoenix 2. Everything about it is interesting, and I love the flames.

As for Izzy playing in the snow, Pogo and I loved the photos. What a happy doggie! I think if Pogo were bigger, he might enjoy playing in the snow too. However, it only takes 2 or 3 inches of the white stuff to it impossible for him to play in it.

Today, we got Pogo's good health and travel papers, and the taxes are done. Oh joy, joh joy! Now I'm off to make some lunch. You and Izzi have a fabulous Valentine's Day! Hugs, Edna B.

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