Friday, February 22, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Homeostasis  ... a term used in anatomy referring to a dynamic equilibrium.  It  expresses the concept that contending forces in an organism are equal ... in a state of balance.  One can extrapolate that concept into all of life ... all of nature.  What effects one force will surely effect the contending force, which will effect another force and on and on.  Simply said  ... everything in nature is connected:

Nature's connections are infinite, encompassing all that we are, all that we know, all that we see, all that we do ... that is why we must do only in good conscience.



Annemor said...

Everything is connected.
Have a nice day.

The Queen Jester said...

Beautifully put. I think people often forget that everything in life must have a counterpart, whether they see it as a good thing or not. There must be dark and light, good and evil, happy and sad...and the list goes on and on.
Your blogs are always so deeply insightful to me and has such meaning.

Anonymous said...

beautiful post!

Ida said...

Wow some really nice work here. I really loved the Tree piece.

Andrea Dawn said...

Andrea, your work and words here are so my heart. Oh that all people wood make the connection that we (all of creations)are intricately interconnected and must be properly, purposefully cared for. Blessed just by being here.

Jeanne said...

Very powerful demonstration about the connection of all life. We are all, intimately connected for survival. Lovely backgrounds on these and so creative.

Edna B said...

Beautifully put! We are our brothers keeper. We need our earth and our earth needs us. Wonder what we need to do to get everyone to understand this?

I'm watching Top Chef, and thinking about what to make for lunch. Funny how these shows make me hungry! lol.

I finished another book last night and had to wipe away my tears. Gosh! Why do I keep reading those kind of books? I think my next book will be a "how to" book.

Time to do a bit of shredding. I have a whole bag full of stuff to shred. You have a great day. Hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you. Beauty and truth. Truths which seem self evident to me, but ...

A Creative Grace said...

Very thoughtful post and beautifully stunning images too!

Currie Silver said...

Andrea, this is a wonderful and powerful post and the idea of connection/disconnection flows through it BEautimously. Yours is a strong voice presenting difficult ideas in a way that can BE heard. That is Grace!!

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