Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday 30

Young female Cooper's Hawk ...

This baby has been hanging around my feeders since fall. She is a big, very beautiful first year female. Sadly, a large percentage of raptors don't make it through their first year for many reasons. This little girl was last seen two weeks ago sitting in a nearby tree calling ... sounded almost like food begging. I haven't seen her since and I can only hope that she has moved to another territory that will provide her with what she needs ... if not, this is her Eulogy.


TexWisGirl said...

awww. i do hope she made it! such a beauty.

Anonymous said...

A tribute, wherever the winds take her. She is immortalized and appreciated here.

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful bird for the day, Andrea!! I do hope she got some food and will last longer than most of her kind!! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!

Karen said...

Oh I love that second pic! She's looking right at you!

tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

I was doubting myself that I I`d my bird correctly for wild bird Wed.But now after looking at your coopers hawk,I believe I`m right.
We`ve had babies such as yours here.But the one I caught yesterday was an adult.
I`m going to follow you,happy birding!phyllis

Edna B said...

oh my, what a gorgeous bird! I hope she is safe. I understand the laws of nature, but it still hurts when birds and animals have gone missing.

Today, we are having very light snow flakes. Tonight we are expecting more snow lasting into tomorrow. I don't think it's going to amount to much, but we shall see.

Today, Pogo gave me his first kiss/lick. Do I have to tell you how happy and excited I got?

Now I'm going to see about making him a special lunch. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

HansHB said...

Nice shots.
Happy WBW!

mick said...

Beautiful bird - I hope she makes it through the winter.

Larry said...

A gorgeous bird Andrea! You got some super shots of her. I love that last one with her looking right at you. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

That's a good bird!

Brian King said...

How awesome! What a beautiful hawk! Nice photos!

eileeninmd said...

I hope she has found food, great photos. It is sad to hear some do not make it thru their first year.

Wally Jones said...

Great images of this beautiful young hawk! Hope you see her soon chasing birds through the trees.

Jeanne said...

Such a gorgeous shot of this beautiful hawk, and hope this is not her eulogy! Such searching eyes she has!

Elephant's Child said...

Knowing that some birds do not make it, doesn't make it easier to accept. I hope your beautiful girl thrives. Wonderful photos - just what I needed. Thank you.

Stewart M said...

What a great bird - I dont seem to get anywhere near as many shots of birds of prey as other people - I wonder what the secret is?

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW

Stewart M - Melbourne

Jori said...

I hope she is alright! She is beautiful! I love your profile photo! You must have a special way with animals. Thank you for the information you left on my owl photo! I was wondering how rare my sighting was. :)

Lea said...

Have a wonderful day!
Lea's Menagerie

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I know what you mean about these first year Raptors, and around here, the biggest taker of them, is sadly the Great Horned Owls, and then of course each hawk that is larger than the next, is capable of taking them down too. You got some marvelous captures, and hopefully, she has just moved on toward a larger source for food, for the Cooper's Hawks are pretty good at the challenge~

Pat said...

She is a beauty! I don't like to witness hawk attacks on the songbirds here, but I know she's got to eat too.

Jackie said...

Awwww...I hope she made it too. I live in Oklahoma which is experiencing the worst drought in history since the 'Dust Bowl' days!

The bobcats have moved in and we rarely see squirrels or rabbits anymore.

We do have a lot of hawks though. But, they are competing with our ground predators for food.

You did get some great shots of her though and I am going to think positive. She got a little older and found her own territory filled with plenty!

Neil said...

She is beautiful hope she makes it through the winter.

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Those are great photos! Mind you Miss Kodee as a pup had one of those feisty JR birds swoop down about 5 ft from her. Luckily I was right there to make enough noise to scare it off. I have never trusted a hawk since.

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh dear! I do hopw she's okay!

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