Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cat Thursday

Love cats?  Join us!

Hmmmm .... looks interesting

No has a good smell ...
I tastes it ...
Ackkkkk!  No has good tastes either ...
Sorrys Cat Gods ... I no do it agains :(

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday Blog Paws

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This is another of my playmates though we don't actually plaz very much.  Chachi is a pretty mellow fellow, so we hangs when we are relaxing.

You seez what I mean ...

What I really likes about Chachi is we agreez that FOOD is our priority.  Chachi haz a clocks in his head that tells him when its times to eat.  Then he speaks up for all of us ... He is a herding cat, because he herds my Mom into the kitchen :)

Wordless Wednesday

Whoo Hoo ... I think?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wid Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday - 33

I know, I know ... Starlings are nuisance birds and bully birds and nobody likes them.  But, I do.  When I watch them out the window, I see a survivor.  They fly in flocks in the winter and they survive.  They are hardy, feisty and they too have a role in the balance of nature.  So, once again ... my little flock of Starlings :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Homeostasis  ... a term used in anatomy referring to a dynamic equilibrium.  It  expresses the concept that contending forces in an organism are equal ... in a state of balance.  One can extrapolate that concept into all of life ... all of nature.  What effects one force will surely effect the contending force, which will effect another force and on and on.  Simply said  ... everything in nature is connected:

Nature's connections are infinite, encompassing all that we are, all that we know, all that we see, all that we do ... that is why we must do only in good conscience.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Lets me introduce you to one of my playmates ... her name is Diva Rose, but she is better known around here as "Diva The Devil Child".  Boy, I could tell you some stories about her, but for now, just know she is my good friend and part of my herd.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday 32

Every year I have a little band of Mallards that come to my feeder then, in the winter once the lake freezes, they move on to a warmer climate where there is more food available.  This year though, I have one lonely little male who is still here.  I am sure there is a sad story behind why he stayed, but I have been putting duck food out for him every day to help him make it through the winter. 

But, on this day ...
My little flock of crows came along and told Mr.Duck that they were going to eat the duck food and he would have to leave.

He left and came back several times, but the crows persisted ... so he just left.

Later that day, he did come back to eat, but I haven't seen him since ... I may just be missing him because I come and go and am not always watching my feeders ... I sure hope so.

Meanwhile ... on the other side of the yard at the bird bath ... Look who is here.  My first Red Wing Blackbird.  Yet another sign that Spring is near ...

Today it is in the teens, we have had another dusting of snow and the wind is whipping it up in swirls ... Oh, I am so ready for Spring!

WBW addendum: The little boy Mallard was at the feeder this afternoon eating his heart out ... I was happy to see him

Monday, February 18, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday


This is not at all what I was planning for MOM today.  I spent the better part of yesterday orangifying a clever little picture when my PSE froze and ate it!  Poof! Gone in an instant ... words can't describe.  Or, maybe there are some words that could describe what I was feeling.
Fortunately (or maybe not), I spotted this picture on another blog(public domain, so I can lift it:)  It was titled "Snowman's Mass Grave".  Well, as I featured snowmen last week, I thought maybe this would be fun, or maybe just gruesome.  So here it is ... it fits my mood.  I would really wish that I could put the PSE in this mass grave, but it is what it is ...

If any of you are OCD ... don't look at this picture.  I don't consider myself OCD, but I have this antsy urge to reach in and wash these carrots.  Good Grief!!  It is only Monday ... please don't let the rest of my week be like this!   Hope all of you have a better start to your week ....

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday
This background said oriental to me so that is what I stuck with.  The pictures are from the Chicago Botonical Gardens, Madison,Wisconsin Botonical Gardens, my back yard and the channel off of our lake.  My mother loved the simplicity of oriental art and passed it on to me, so this was really an enjoyable prompt ... Thank you, Bonnie!

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...