Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

The Nut Hatch

A funny little bird with a red bum and a nasal erk erk sound as he scoots head first down the tree trunk.  One of my favorite visitors ....



Elephant's Child said...

What an absolute charmer.

Edna B said...

Your little nuthatch is adorable. We have a couple of them here too and they are so cute to watch. A lot of times, they like to hang upside down when they eat.

The sun is in and out here today. But there is a nice breeze and it is comfortably warm out. Can't complain at all.

How is Izzi doing? Pogo sends woofs to her. You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Taken For Granted said...

The nuthatch is a common sight around here in winter. They are one of the few birds that winter in the northland. Always enjoy seeing them.

NatureFootstep said...

not as colorful as ours but still a beauty. Great shot Andrea :)

Stewart M said...

Great pictures - although I hope this is from your archive, given its June and all that!

Crazy busy here - I may need to outsource some of my commenting duties!!

Hope all is well - any more thoughts on migration?

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

harada57 said...
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Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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