Friday, May 12, 2017

Paint Party Friday

Now is not the time to tire of politics.  Our elections were tampered with by a foreign country, the Congress seems uninterested in getting to the bottom of it and our Democracy is now clearly an Oligarchy being run by a Despot.  Now is the time to Resist ... we want our democracy back,  the wealth of this great country shared by all, not the wealthy few, the preservation of the rights we were granted in our constitution, truth reported by our media and acknowledged by our political leaders and a commitment to address the issues of Climate Change.  We want to be Great again, but to do it the right way ... by leading with honesty, compassion and the strength of our commitment to peace and properity.



Elephant's Child said...

Hear, hear.

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said...

True words, Andrea, I second your motion.

denthe said...

Every day now I expect Trump to be impeached. Actually I've been expecting that after every outrageous thing he has said or done. But nothing .... Makes one wonder what is going on behind the screens .... You're absolutely right: now is not the time to tire of politics. I am inspired by the people that keep fighting, that keep resisting and saying this is not okay. Keep going, you're not alone!! hugs xx

Taken For Granted said...

I have always tried to keep my photo blogging nonpolitical, but I could not agree with you more about what is currently going on in Washington, and for that matter, in our state.

NatureFootstep said...

well said!

DVArtist said...

You really don't want me to get going on this. Your words are so true and it is time for people, everyday people to do their parts. My brother says, "Well there is nothing I can do" BS! Right now is the time to join a cause, be part of, have your voice heard. It is a fight for our lives. Every issues is about US and us. People may not like Hillary but at least she wouldn't be throwing us down the drain. She has started a new organization "Onward Together" check it out and if it agrees with you sign on. Or sign on to a group that is being shut down and fight for that. It is now for people around the world to see what is happening here and make sure it doesn't happen to their country. OK.... I am calming down now...LOL I told you I shouldn't get started on this. LOL We are in serious times.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...