Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday

Black Bulbul

Found in the mountain areas these birds were parked outside out window in Chiang Doa and were quite noisy, as opposed to musical :) He has a very regimental (military) look about him.



Hootin Anni said...

My gosh....these are amazing looking birds!!!

It was a wonderful treat to have you stop by for a visit today.

Adam Jones said...

That's one smart looking bird.

Elephant's Child said...

Love their 'do' too.

Edna B said...

An interesting bird! Do you know what kind it is? Andrea, I loved the strawberry picking photos. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Made me hungry just looking at those beautiful berries.

I think it's just wonderful that you can enjoy your son and daughter in law so much. Some families don't have this closeness, and that is sad. Life would be so empty without my children and their families.

Pogo is trying so hard not to scratch, but the itch gets to be too much. I think we'll be going back to the doctor soon for more tests. sigh, it's always something.

It's good to hear that Izzi is doing so much better. It will be good to see her running happily about again.

It's hot hot hot here. Thank goodness for the A/C. I'm off now to see what's tasty in the fridge for our lunch. You and Izzy have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

genie said...

WOW!!! What stunning birds. That second photos is awesome. Just look at the plumage on their heads....really impressive. genie

Rohrerbot said...

Very cool birds. I like them! Although I think I love all Bulbuls:)

NatureFootstep said...

a really cool looking bird. And they choose a place with matching colors :)

Stewart M said...

Crazy looking bird! Looks a lot like the Myna birds we get here.

Don't know exactly why the Shoveler has the beak it does - must be the way it feeds I suppose.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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