Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday

Baltimore Orioles 
(Odd Couple)
Our usual Oriole visit has long passed, but these two characters showed up looking for the Oriole feeders that have long since been retired for the summer.  It is a male and what appears to be a yearling.  It might be that they are nesting in a nearby area or maybe they are just late comers ... they are certainly welcome anytime (sorry I had nothing to their liking to eat).




Hootin Anni said...

Being a late comer....no matter...still they're both wonderful birds. And, your photos are super Andrea.

Adam Jones said...

Such wonderfully colourful birds. Beautiful images.

Taken For Granted said...

Like seeing Orioles, but rarely do. We have friends who have a pair nesting near their house, so they put out orange wedges for them which they seem to love. Great photos.

Elephant's Child said...

Feathered enchantment. Now get busy and find them something to their liking. (lol).

Edna B said...

Oh what gorgeous little birds!! I haven't seen any in my yard, but I have hopes. They do like fruit and I think maybe jelly. Good luck. I hope they make a nest in your yard.

Pogo and I are getting ready to leave for his doctor appointment. He need his rabies shot and hopefully the doctor can help us get rid of his itch.

Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Izzi. You have a super day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.

NatureFootstep said...

Orioles are striking birds. At least the ones I have been able to see. :)

Little Wandering Wren said...

I agree with Elephant Child I'd be pulling out all the stops to have these gorgeous birds stay and play for a while :) They are adorable, lucky you, brill photos Andrea.
Wren x

Inspired By June said...

I had my first, and so far only, oriole experience last year. Awesome!

Stewart M said...

What a wonderful looking bird - so many things still to see!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Ida said...

They are so pretty and colorful. To bad they didn't enjoy your offerings.

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