Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday

Birds of Thailand 

My pictures of the birds in Thailand were few and far between.  Not that the birds weren't there, but the foliage  was so thick that even when we could hear them we could not see them. That was disappointing, but I promise, the next time I go, I will arrange to go on a birding tour where I will (hopefully) see the elite birds of Thailand ... that is on my bucket list :)

The Spotted Dove ... This bird is indigenous to southeast Asia though it has been introduced in other areas including California.  It is, however, the first time I have seen this bird so, to me, it is a Thai bird.

This pair hung out on the roofs of the buildings behind our hotel in Chiang Doa.   I saw them fairly often but did not see any of them in any other part of Thailand.  I adore the doves ... they mate for life and are such gentle souls :)



eileeninmd said...

Hello, the Spotted Dove is beautiful. Lovely sighting and photos. The doves are sweet birds!
Have a happy day and week ahead!

Rohrerbot said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I just saw this bird in California! What a cool bird! As for your mention of thick vegetation, I hear you! It is so frustrating to get "that" shot of the tropical birds. But congrats on the dove. Pretty amazing bird!

Taken For Granted said...

A fine looking pair of doves. Our doves don't look anything likes these.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a beautiful Dove and so well captured

Elephant's Child said...

Such a gentle beauty. How soon can you go back?

Neil said...

Beautiful photos of the Doves.

Edna B said...

What beautiful doves. They look just like ours except for the spots. And ours are mostly just gray. Already planning a return trip? That's super!! SIL Eddie is here so I have to go. Have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Gayle said...

Love the spotted dove marching along.

NatureFootstep said...

I have seen this bird in Honolulu and I think Australia as well.

About Australia, I was there in September 2014 you can find it on my travel blog

Little Wandering Wren said...

Andrea, you've done well. I can vouch that animal spotting in Thailand is not that easy :)
Unless of course you're looking for a wren in which case you will find me easily... lying on a sun lounger on a gorgeous beach!
Wren x

Ida said...

What a pretty dove. I like the speckles it has.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I hope you are not saying that you are in Thailand and I missed you ... even on your lounger on a gorgeous beach. The birding was frustrating, but I was thrilled with the few pictures I was able to get, so can't be too greedy :)


Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Probably not for a year or more. Have to save up and take care of things here. It is not easy for my husband to take care of our zoo without my being here, so I have to try to be fair. But I do plan to go back if at all possible :)


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

To me anyway, all doves seem to fit your description " gentle souls" ... This one is particularly lovely.

Stewart M said...

It must be the week for doves! We have that species here as well, introduced just like yours. Some birders call this type of a bird a 'plastic' - because they are not real, but I like seeing these. It occurs to me that I have no pictures of them. Another project by the look of it!!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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