Tuesday, March 15, 2016

NF Trees and Bushes

Papaya Tree
Wouldn't you love to have this tree in your yard? 



eileeninmd said...

Just beautiful, I would love to have any kind of fruit tree in my yard. Have a happy day and week ahead!

Edna B said...

As long as it got along with my pines, I'd love to have this beautiful tree in my yard. I love your image of the fish pond with the tree reflections. Very nice indeed. Now that Spring is on its way here, I'm hoping to get out more with my camera.

You haven't mentioned how Izzi is doing. Pogo and I are hoping that she is healing and able to get around more easily. I would be heartbroken if my little guy couldn't get around so good on his own. Even though he has a stroller, I love watching him scampering around the house. One would never guess how old he is by his actions.

Today, and every day for a while, I have so many things to do to get caught up on everything around the house, hobbies, and whatever else I'm into. Hopefully, I'll get to hold this last great grandbaby soon.

It's raining here today. There are lots of buds in our little gardens, so this rain should help them all to bloom. It's almost noon, so I think I'll meander over to the fridge to see what might be looking tasty. You and Izzi have a wonderful day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

Lovely tree but I don't think it would hold up to your winters. But then neither can we any more.

NatureFootstep said...

yea, if I had a yard. :) But I will not stand below it. :)

Just wondering, did you notice the name of your plant from last week?

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Yes, I did notice the name and it fits perfectly. Thank you for that :) I think I would stand under the tree waiting to catch one of those delicious Papaya. Could be a long wait :(


Mascha said...

Oh yeah, I would like to have it in my garden! Papayas are so delicious, but I've never seen before, where they grow...

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