Tuesday, March 8, 2016

NF Trees and Bushes

This bush was outside of our hotel in Chiang Dao ... I have looked in my book and can't seem to identify it, as is the case with most of the plant life I saw.  But, it is beautiful and worth a moment of fame on my blog.  Enjoy ...



eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is pretty, the blooms are lovely. Have a happy day and week ahead!

Edna B said...

I have to agree, this is a beautiful plant, even though I have no idea what it sis either. I love your tiger picture too. The treasure trove of memories and photos must you have from your trip be awesome!

Last night Pogo and I were outside and ready for the 8 o'clock fireworks, and what do you know, they changed the time. By the time we realized the new time, we had missed the first half of the display. Tonight we'll be ready for the new time.

Now we are off to the porch where I'll sit and crochet and Pogo will sun bathe. give Izzi a woof and a lick from Pogo. I hope she's doing better after her doctor visit. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

Christine said...

Very unusual clusters of flowers, but pretty nonetheless! Though I don't think getting too close to those thorny branches would be wise!
Thanks for your kind comments on my post also.

Elephant's Child said...

It is indeed beautiful. Scented?

NatureFootstep said...

not sure but one thing came to my mind. "The thorn crown of Jesus"

NatureFootstep said...


Euphorbia milii (crown of thorns, Christ plant, Christ thorn)
I think I was right :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...