Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

(click button for more awesome birds)

It is quite a shock for these poor birds ... one day it is in the 50's and the next it is in the 20's.  You can just see the grumpy looks as they try to cope with the cold wind off of the lake.

Even the Sea Gulls feel the need to huddle until the sun warms things up a bit.

Happy WBW everyone ...



Nette Cecilia said...

Love the red one ,Nette

TexWisGirl said...

i do feel sorry for the birds and animals with the huge temperature swings.

Nefertiti said...

Superbes couleurs :0)

A Colorful World said...

They don't look happy! :( Great photos of them.

Adam Jones said...

I always like to see the Cardinal. Great pictures.

Elephant's Child said...

Wind makes me grumpy too. With much less excuse that these feathered charmers.

Pat said...

Looks like there's some cold wind to cope with.

Rebecca said...

I can see the grumpiness. - I think I have it too when the temperature goes from summer to winter each day of the week! Great post!

Karen said...

Oh, I love these cardinals! I must say we have a lot of confused birds here. Still snow on the ground and temps in the single digits. The robins have arrived, and they are totally out of their element. I too have RW Blackbird males at the feeders. Scoping it out for the females I expect.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That wind sure wrecks their hair style! Great shots.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your cardinals definitely look a bit disgusted, and who could blame them. Hope it warms up a bit soon for them and for you!

The Queen Jester said...

Good thing they are adaptable to extreme weather changes. I set up my bird feeder during our week long stay here in Texas, but haven't noticed any visiting yet.

Ida said...

I'd be grumpy too. Nice bird shots though.

NatureFootstep said...

yea, it´s not easy to be a bird these days. And not being hman either :( Love the image where the cardinal peeks out from behind the tree. :)

Stewart M said...

I do like that shot with the cardinal looking out from behind the tree - it has real personality.

It would be splendid to find out they yoga originated from people watching geese!

cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Stewart M said...

Not sure my comment made it! If not, I said I liked the bird looking out from behind the tree - if it did, feel free to delete this one!!

cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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