Monday, March 30, 2015

Nature Footstep ... Catching Light

Garage lights in Navy Pier, Chicago


Sylvia K said...

Those look like decorative lights!! What a great shot for the day -- as always!!

Mersad said...

Great vibrant edit.

Mersad Donko Photography

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Very impressive roof lights.

Elephant's Child said...

Wow. Someone really, really doesn't like dark corners in their garage....

D.Nambiar said...

Great catch!
Wow! that is a grand garage; one that makes you want to do a little dance. :)
I love what you did with the lights that come flooding into the garage.

Have a good week, Andrea. :)

Lmkazmierczak said...

Very cool...thought it was a theater marquee at first♪

Annemor said...

Like it.
Nice to have the meme back.Have a wonderful day :)

Annemor said...

Just one word: WOW
Have a nice day.

Mascha said...

Great photo and nice artwork.
Have a good Easter time

marsha said...

great photo and I love the editing! I will join in next week...

NatureFootstep said...

well, that was a cool light to be in a garage :) Maybe they are having a party there :) Great editing too. :)

betty-NZ said...

Interesting capture and really cool edit!

betty-NZ said...

Interesting capture and really cool edit!

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