Wednesday, March 18, 2015

NF DAM ... Digital Art Meme

Click to see more fun and beautiful art ... then join in  ... this is an awesome meme!

I love seeing faces and things where you least expect them.  In this I saw many and there are still some that I didn't accentuate with light ... just for fun.  Art comes in many forms :)


Sylvia K said...

A great shot as always and I love the texture of the tree trunk! There's so much beauty to see if you slow down and take the time to look! Hope your week is going well, Andrea!! Enjoy!

Edna B said...

What fun images in the tree trunk. As little kids, my brother and I would stare at the patterns on the walls and see how many pictures we could find in them. You can do it with the clouds too. Such fun.

Your imagination is awesome. I never would have thought to highlight these images. It's such a fun idea. Please tell me that isn't grass and green foliage in your yard. Oh dear, I am so jealous. We just have a teeny tiny patch of dirt and mounds and mounds of snow.

Today the wind is howling away. I just hope it doesn't take down any of the power lines around here. I'm thinking of moving Spring up to April 20. Maybe by then, winter will be on its way out. I hope.

At least the sun is shining here. That makes it better. Pogo and I hope you and Izzi have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.

Annemor said...

I can see one with hanging cheeks and a sad face.
Like it.
Have a nice day,

Jutta.K. said...

This is a cool idea and a great shot !
This is my contribution
Greetings from germany

D.Nambiar said...

That is super cool. :)
Very cute too, Andrea.

NatureFootstep said...

this is the beginning of a fairytale. I love it. Natural art is wonderful :)

Hootin Anni said...


More or less, this is perfect for the upcoming Easter Season. Or Spring.

abrianna said...

That is a wonderful shot. I noticed the laughing faces right away.

lorik said...

I see those happy faces too! - one happier than the other ,,,,but but uplifting. Lucky you....but then is your "perceptive " eye ( can you say perceptive eye?... you know what i mean anyway:) )

Elephant's Child said...

Clever fun. Very clever fun. Thank you.

RobertN said...

Beautiful capture.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Tree trunks are a wonderful palette for enigmatic faces. Lovely.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I see a bunny and a lion or perhaps a man with a hood.

Lmkazmierczak said...

What a cool find...I tend to see bunnies....must be the Easter Bunny influence♪

marsha said...

very cool..I see faces everywhere too!

Prairie Jill said...

Not only faces, but happy, smiling faces! Great edit.

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