Wednesday, March 25, 2015

NF DAM Digital Art Meme

I wouldn't call myself a bird fanatic, though I probably am ... especially with the raptors, but bird art seems to be my favorite thing to do.   So, hope you like birds too and can enjoy my efforts.



The Queen Jester said...

Nice effect - it goes well with the subject. You could say it's a HOOT.

Annemor said...

Great. I like the owl and there's three faces inn the grass.
Have a nice day.

marsha said...

cool effect...I love birds too...

Sylvia K said...

A great one indeed and I do love owls!! A HOOT indeed!! Hope your week is going well!!

21 Wits said...

Oh wow, this is incredible!

abrianna said...

Love what you did here. The effect on the owl really makes him stand out. I will try to remember to link up to Weekend rEflections this week :)

Anonymous said...

This is really nice. I love owls.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi looks like a night encounter with the Owl. I love it.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Spooky cool...especially how the reflection is also luminous♪

Anonymous said...

What a nice and interesting photo.

Jutta.K. said...

The effect is so great, i like it !
I come visiting you from NF digital meme
Greetings from germany

Elephant's Child said...

Birds ARE one of my obsessions. One of my many obsessions. And I have a huge soft spot for owls. Love this - and thank you.

RobertN said...

Beautiful photo.

NatureFootstep said...

this is gorgeous Andrea. Keep doing them. And isn´t it great to use this meme for it. Maybe others could come in also. :)

You are welcome to use the reindeer for your daughter :)

EG CameraGirl said...

This is wonderful, Andrea!!

MTWaggin said...

I REALLY like this shot miss! The photo and the digitizing is lovely!

Ida said...

Super cool. Love how it seems to glow.

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